Sunday, June 01, 2008

Horse Show and Other Stuff

Getting readyFront wall is up (all are now)
View from living room window

Competing on the rail


  1. I love the view from your LR windcw. Keep the pics coming... Are you doing ok or are you stressed? Have you killed Drew yet? Most people I know that have built a house go a little crazy...

  2. where did everybody go???

  3. I'm here Vic, just having trouble getting on the computer. Be back soon...

  4. Monday, 9 June 2008

    I'm here... or back... or... wait... I'm off for three days on the road. Dubois, Chambersburg, Yeagertown, and Hollidaysburg. Too much fun!

    The short story: after all my traveling, those two weeks in May, I started to come down with something, which turned into a cold, which really hit hard, for about a week or so. Now I'm starting to feel better, and am back to my "regular" schedule. If I was actually learning 1/10 of the lessons God's laying out for me, I'd be a wise, wise man.

    Later, people!

  5. Well, I have had to rent a lot of cars lately for work. When I get in the car the station is always set to one particular station.

    I learned something about myself recently... I really like country music. I have been listening to Froggy 95 country station a lot...

    You don't think I will get kicked out of the church for this do you???
