Picture of Jer and Sam at Gatorland
Saturday Nite
Here we sit. Went to dinner late; then to Target for a quick stop. Dinner was wonderful, as usual. Smokey Bones is right up the road not too far and they do have great ribs. The food took a little while, but the place was really busy. The Daytona 500 is tomorrow and many people stay here in the Orlando area. Quite a few folks could be seen sporting race wear. We had to wait over an half an hour for our table. BUT we were not disappointed. Yum, yum.
Of course anyone who has ever traveled or eaten with our family would know... we eat good, darn good. Last night we went to a place called Vito's. White tablecloths, black-tied waiters(resses). HUGE steaks and chops. I had pork chops, they were incredible; almost 3" thick, fire-grilled, some kind of grilled pepper mix that included a hot variety. So you had a fantastic grilled taste coupled with a zesty pepper flavor and a melt in your mouth texture.
Here we sit. Went to dinner late; then to Target for a quick stop. Dinner was wonderful, as usual. Smokey Bones is right up the road not too far and they do have great ribs. The food took a little while, but the place was really busy. The Daytona 500 is tomorrow and many people stay here in the Orlando area. Quite a few folks could be seen sporting race wear. We had to wait over an half an hour for our table. BUT we were not disappointed. Yum, yum.
Of course anyone who has ever traveled or eaten with our family would know... we eat good, darn good. Last night we went to a place called Vito's. White tablecloths, black-tied waiters(resses). HUGE steaks and chops. I had pork chops, they were incredible; almost 3" thick, fire-grilled, some kind of grilled pepper mix that included a hot variety. So you had a fantastic grilled taste coupled with a zesty pepper flavor and a melt in your mouth texture.
Not Saturday, Sunday
Well, here we sit again...same place different TV show. Tonight it was Cracker Barrel for dinner. We went there after the rodeo, and after horseback riding early in the morning. We had a very busy day. My bones are very tired, and pretty darn bounced about. An old quarter horse is a whole lot bumpier than my Paso Fino. Cool is not the best a her gait, but her on a bad day is Cadillac smoother than the trail horse I rode today. I just thought she was bumpy. We have two paint horses at home, now they have a jumpy trot, but as trotters go they are smooth. Jer's Appaloosa is pretty rough. Today's ride took the prize for most likely to bruise my bottom. I wisely took four ibuprofen before we left to ride; I just took four more a few minutes ago. Sort of a preemptive strike. Well, not too preemptive, I am already starting to ache big time.
It's funny though, all this pain only makes me long to ride my own equines. I am getting homesick for them. Pain can often be a catalyst to work, or to pursue a better quality of...of anything we are involved in. "No pain, no gain." An often spouted axiom, is based on scripture, maybe not directly from the first time spoken, but God does promise us increased character, greater spiritual strength, and a more intimate relationship with our Savior when we persevere under duress, hardship, and personal trials. So every time my bottom or legs or back start to ache I will have to remember how much fun we had enjoying the early morning Florida sunshine, the family fun that was had; all well worth a few pains. As with the pains of life the reward often equals or surpasses the painful trial. And so the gain definitely justifies the pain.