Friday, November 20, 2020

Five Minute Friday: Grief


Even in laughter the heart may ache, and the end of joy may be grief.  Psalm 14:13 NEV

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” Charles Dickens, Tale of Two Cities


Two quotes, one the Word of God, one from a favorite book. In my experience most of our lives grief and joy walk hand in hand, sometimes one walking in front and one in the rear. If we understand the complete word of God (as much as may be possible for us humans), side my side is the better way. 


I believe we will most always carry the burden of grief somewhere within. Death. Disappointment. Loss. Sickness. Family discord will leave its mark on our souls. We may experience relief and healing, but the scars of pain of will remain. 


In the depth of our soul the joy of the Lord carries our inner and outer selves, propelling us into the lives we've been called to live. 


Not silly, giddy happy. 

But confident despite the hard stuff of this life: HIS Joy, HIS Grace is sufficient for the day that is called today.


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Five Minute Friday: Cancel


 My deep debt of sin has been canceled. Of that I am sure. Many words could be written concerning that glorious truth. I am struggling with my five minute timer. My brain struggles to process and write in the limited time. Not to mention two boys who demand my constant attention. Maybe I should have waited until I felt more inspired or did not have so much company. And, my Covid-19 positive husband is here dropping off food. 

so for now I am canceled.  

Should I begin again? Or pick up where I left off? 

Either way, I still do not have writing path or destination plan. I read through all the other writings, all polished and professional. 

Writing my name in five minuets can be a struggle. That might be a stretch.  My MS anxiety rattled brain can get a little muddy.

Cancel; I think I am going to cancel comparing myself to others. I am trusting all you beautiful writers to accept, encourage, and hopefully enjoy what i write.

I know God made me a writer. So here I am. I have been encouraged by multiple Christians and non to write. It is who must rise to my calling and not waste a precious God-given gift. 

Have a blessed week. Well, today is already Tuesday, so what is left of the week walk in His mercy, grace, and glory.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Five MInute Friday: Ahead

Many words have been written and spoken in reference to the recent presidential election. I guess I do not feel a pressing need to add or subtract to the dialoges and opinions already expressed.

I feel myself becoming wordy.  I am tempted to when I do not feel I have much to say, or that if I open my heart and share, I could spill more beans than my comfort level allows.  

I have a week ahead of me. Not an easy one. Not many are. Easy. But that is for another time. Choices need to me made on how to approach the days ahead. 

The Covid 19 game of tag landed on my doorstep this morning, having made a brief test visit in October. 

Raising two challenging grandsons, twelve and thirteen, I have been blessed to have them enrolled in a Christian school that has maintained in person teaching. Until this morning. Our school remains open; the boys will remain home. Encouraging them maintain passing grades while in school, can be difficult and tumultuous. My husband, the Covid positive family member, moved a bit grudgingly to his office apartment in town, cutting our (boys and my need to quarantine in half. Many parents and grandparents are virtual schooling children and grandchildren. I am not alone. My heart is with them. However, their trials will not make ours any easier. My personal health issues. The older on the spectrum. In utero drug and alcohol exposure.  Early life trauma, increases the excitement of the endeavor ahead. 

Choice one. Lock my sobbing panicked self in my room.. Not good for any of us. Definitely not God honoring.

Choice two. Look up to Jesus, who is not surprised by my vision of disaster. Depend on Him. Pray more. Stay connected with friends who can support me, not my personal favorite. I prefer muddling and falling in the dark alone. I mean right? I am shaking my head knowing this has not worked well for in the past.

How will the week ahead play out?  Tonight I choose option two. Knowing in advance my responses will be mixture of one and two. The battle begins.The victory will be His alone.