Wednesday, December 30, 2020


No particular reason 

My heart lies heavy. 

Brimming unidentified sadness 

A yearning for calmer breath 

The dog snores nearby 

Assuring the storm is mine 

A day like all others 

It’s just a rolling pin 

But it isn’t

A memory of larger hands leading 

From the center to the edge 

Patient loving guidance 

Sure it will turn up somewhere 

Pungent ache of memories past 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Five Minuet Friday Belong

 as a preface: I misread the prompt word. I am going to share what I wrote anyway:  Using the word: belong

I asked my daughter-in-law the first thing she thought when she heard the word belong. She replied, "included." Difficult challenges these days. We are scattered about as families, friends, even the folks we are used to seeing when we run errands or go to the gym. Our routines have been interrupted or discarded altogether. I know for myself, I feel adrift and a often little lost. As one who runs on a little scattered normally, my loose routine gave me some foundation and connection with others. not so much lately.

Kids in school. Kids out of school. Virtual school. My husband and I both had Covid-19. Much of November a blur. Any sense of routine vanished. I can understand my DIL throwing out the word included. When we lose our community, our people, we become excluded from our foundation. Sadly, in other words, not included. Alone.

Our local community recently lost a young father and a devoted husband. In less than a week donations poured in. A spaghetti dinner happened. The blue collar workers in a dying coal community poured themselves into a family who had lost their rock. Their foundation. Locally we banded together, all included. All belonged. 

As Christians, we know that we belong to one another.
And as Christians, let us be aware. Let us look at one another and those around us. Look for the lost. Look for the lonely. Ones who do not feel as though they belong. Not included. 

The passage below speaks to how we belong to one another. All parts working together for each other's good. Can we extend this belonging to the broken souls around us, that as much as we are able let none be lost, alone. Belonging to each other and the community where God has placed us.

So it is
Paul tells us in Romans 12:5
with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.




Romans 12:5 NLT

Saturday, December 05, 2020

homophone Present

 I deleted half of a post for the today's word prompt; present, well yesterdays prompt i guess.

I had meditated on the different meanings of the word PRESENT. I looked them up in the dictionary, examining the history and origin of the word. I started down the path, exploring the different meanings and how each could relate to our lives, and how we live them. I ended up confusing myself.  

Present, a gift we present to another. we are present with them as we give. See, confusing right? I cannot seem to separate the meanings and write about only one. 

Maybe we are each one physiological human, made up of diverse aspects of personality, spirituality, and human frailty. Not much to do with the word present. 

Unless we work at being present in the lives of those we love. Be near. Be aware. Be listening. Walking alongside. Enjoying their presence in our lives. 

Presenting our lives as a living sacrifice to our Jesus. Purposefully making each day His. 

He has given us each gifts. Presents to use in His service and for His glory; blessing others.

Today we are present. Wherever we are we are; present in today. 

So today may we be all the present(s) God has called us to be.

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Grateful: the deepest form of worship

We Americans use the season, the Thanksgiving to ponder and share our gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in our lives. We celebrate with feasts, family, and friends; toasting to our greatest gifts. Traditions passed though generations of our most loved, filling them with memories that bind.

2020 without our consent may or may not have affected our traditional traditions.

Grateful. Myself. I struggle with depression and anxiety. I have MS. Messes with my mind and short term memory. Overall weakness and fatigue. 

All to often I lose track of my place in the Kingdom.  How I am forever loved and secure in the arms of Jesus. Accepted by the Father. My room already prepared in the Better Place. 

I am grateful that He never forgets me. No matter where the darkness takes my mind or spirit, I am never lost or parted from the protection of the King. 

My place in the kingdom is secure.
