Friday, October 22, 2010

visiting ammie (picture uploaded)

Today Jack came to my house for the first time. His Kimmel sized appetite kept him busy for the first hour or so, after which two very busy, noisy, busy boys introduced him to his calling as a Kimmel manchild. Not so sure if it was a thumbs up or thumbs down experience for him. But at the very least it was a fair and accurate introduction. A visit to the doc revealed a 12oz gain this past week to the delight of his parents and family. Still a small guy, that's Daddy's hand in the picture. So fun to see a daddy/son picture ; reminds me of how our Abba Father's hand is always present, always caring. What a sweet life we live.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

day after

Had a grand birthday. Thank you Jeremiah. You did a great job. Good food, friends, best kids in the world. The sun is making an appearance today and warming the fall air to a perfect 60° and painting the autumn landscape with reflective golden rays. Contentment fills my soul and laughter through the trials and tribulations of the day are a sweet gift from my Gentle Father.
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Sunday, October 03, 2010

What's up Jack

We went to see jack and his parents this evening. So good to spend time with Ned and Hannah; but heartbroken for their ordeal. Jack is progressing as is expected for a preemie baby, but his being a preemie would not be our choice. For Hannah and Ned this is the first time experience. Experienced nurses and others keep saying, "to be expected for his early birth" or "normal for a preemie". Statements like these are meant to relieve or encourage but at times only amplify the anxious knot in their stomachs. For Jack's mommy and daddy normal would mean having their son at home with visiting grandmas and papaps, doting aunts and proud uncles gathered around being a nuisance . That would be normal. Monitors and worn vinyl love seats, tiny showers, and an occasional cranky nurse are not what they had expected. Monitors screaming alarms for no reason; the blinking numbers a constant reminder that all is not as well as it should be.
Other parents have endured far more serious medical conditions, but as a mom my heart breaks for my kids in this situation and my grandson in his tiny plastic crate. My prayer is for a quick ending to the hospital trial and for the crazy chaotic adventure of parenting a newborn to begin. O Lord may your healing mercy fall quickly and your comforting grace abound. Strengthen and encourage my dear ones. Keep their hearts strong and their gaze fixed on you.