Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Colored Glass

The following was written for my ladies christmas party to be given with a tiny glass ornament,

Colored Glass

THen the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground,

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;

and man became a living being.Genesis 2:7

So many things I want to share with my dear sisters. I am deeply grieved that I cannot be with you this evening. My God is so amazing, so gentle, so kind, so generous, so faithful. How I could go on and on. I found these glass ornaments and knew they were what I was to bring to this table of friends, but unaware of what He would set on my heart to share. Even as late as this morning I was unsure. I was prodded to search “Colored Glass” on the Internet. Thinking that would not turn up a productive search, I believed GOD would meet me, as He always does. I skimmed down through the search results until I stumbled upon this short article. Three things stood out to me.

1. Stained or colored glass is known for its “utility and beauty.”

2. Glass is made of sand and wood ash

3. A beautiful creation is sometime given its shape as the breath of a man is blown into the unformed to create the formed.

1 Stained-glass windows have been admired for their utility and beauty since ancient Rome, when pieces of colored glass were assembled into patterned window frames. In Europe, the art of stained glass reached its height between 1150 and 1500, when magnificent windows were created for great cathedrals…. "Inestimable beauty.”

2. The basic ingredients for making glass ARE SAND AND WOOD ASH (potash). The mixture is melted into liquid which, when cooled, becomes glass. To color the glass, certain powdered metals are added to the mixture while the glass is still molten

3. Molten glass can be BLOWN into a sausage SHAPE

Mankind was created as a the living God blew His own Holy breath into mere dirt, (sand?) resulting in a living being He said was GOOD, BEAUTIFUL, HIS OWN. May we be known as His living hand blown creations, creatures of “inestimable beauty…for their utility.” Useful and beautiful.

As we look at these simple ornaments may we remember how we were created and that we are purposed to be both useful and beautiful.

Friday, December 02, 2011

at it again

Two little boys, one scaling drawer pulls and climbing on the counter, one singing along with the Wonder Pets; second child tho innocent now, narrowly avoided spilling a half a cup of milk onto the table and down to the floor...
In most homes with preschoolers, The special time occurs any time after 4:00 PM and before they fall unconscious at the end of the days misadventures. A variety of titles have been assigned this exciting time segment. So as to be civil, not vulgar or abrasive, for the purpose of this writing. I have decided on the The Special Time.

The writing moment has passed. Dinner time, shower time, driving around for an hour to encourage an early nod out. The nodding did not happen. Earlier in the week a few errands after dinner sent them both into premature dreamland after only 45 minutes or so. Disappointed
and defeated pappy and I wound up the drive and into the garage. The non-stop chatter from the booster seat in the rear grating on our wearing nerves like iodine on an open wound. Leaping out of the back seat and bounding up the stairs and into the house the older finally comes to a sliding twisting stop at the end of the hall. Dropping into our respective dining room chairs we announce, "Ten minutes till bedtime." At least that much time is needed to lick our wounds and gain strength for the last big push, driving the wee tyrants into bed and hopefully sleep and the end of Special Time. Two bathroom trips each, several drinks of water, one small green tractor sailing across the room, three stories, and a new night light later silence slowly slips into the nursery, otherwise known as my library.

Drew asleep in my chair now, and me settled stiffly into the ugly, worn, stuffing leaking, lump of a chair by the crib; we wait for the call announcing the return of our teenage basket ball player. A trip to town for Dad and my attempting to peck out some sort of witty conclusion for this rambling essay, the day comes to and end. I am thankful for my partner and the opportunity to serve the Lord in ways that seem beyond my means and abilities. In this He shows Himself strong and I am blessed.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Now this is Different

First attempt to write on my I Pad. Jer put this blogger app on it and I would like it a whole lot better if I could figure out how to get it to flip to the long side, like keyboard wise.
Kids are sleeping, Jer doing homework, I assume. Drew is still out farming, shelling corn. I'm thinking I should take these furball hacking lungs and put them to bed. Took a sick day today, well a half day I guess. Does a mom ever really get a whole sick day? I think not. Wow! Thought I could maybe insert a picture, not that good yet. But when you choose the photo button cool stuff happens. So do I publish these few random meaningless thoughts? Sure, why not. Whole world may as well know my husband and son got me an I Pad for my birthday. Turning 53 must be a big deal. Maybe by 54 I will have figured out how to use it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

long days night

Kicking beside me the young lad lies, fighting the nodding that keeps tempting his eyes.
I wonder again as his caniption continues,
If I can be dreamin' by the 11:00 news.
Pajamas removed but pull up intact,
I am certain for sure it isn't an act,
The singing, the kicking, the laughing and the spitting,
Are assuredly, purposely designed by my God
Strengthening my character so I'll not be a fraud.
Presenting my life as the gospel alive.
So others might know we can do more than survive.
Through the Cross our lives become adventures worth living.
we are now one with a Love that keeps giving.
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Friday, June 10, 2011

beyond the fence

Sitting on the back porch; thick green vegetation rustles above and beyond the fence. A fence meant to contain more than exclude stands snug against the dense wood. Three black mares doze in the damp heat, ears and tails flicking at the pesky flies. A black and white filly imitates her older lazier barnmates, though dozing quickly becomes snoring ad youthful innocence overcomes older wiser wariness.
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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

alone....for once

I wish I could figure out how to upload photos from my phone using this blogger/Droid app. Maybe if I wasn't so cheap and broke down and purchased an application I would get one I could use...though if I paid money for and and still couldn't upload then I might more frustrated yet. But, on a day like today it will take more than a silly electronic devise to to rock my boat. For sure, as I am home ALONE! I know you may be tempted to think I'm dreaming or hallucinating, or dreaming, or that I finally drifted over the edge. But nope, its true. Drew is at a political meeting (I love saying that). Jer is at a 4H meeting and my wonderful, adorable, mildly manic grandsons are at Amma's house, for the night. Until tomorrow. Night.
And me, I'm doing nothing, absolutely nothing. No TV. No book. Just me and my favorite chair. Only sounds are a clock ticking and an occasional scratching moaning noise from one of the dogs....wait that may be the refrigerator running, should I go catch it? Haha, I crack myself up. Ahhhh, myself, just me. Yep, all alone.
Lord you are so kind. Please bless Bev extra tonight and tomorrow ....
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Friday, February 25, 2011

could write pages n pages....

I can't help but wonder how a man who went Home almost 100 years ago can speak daily, directly into my feeble life. Oswald Chambers died in 1917 and still the devotional compiled by his wife after his death continue to pierce my soul with the biting truths of Word.

Today's reading points to the Apostle Paul's self sacrificing service to the lost and to the found that they might know Christ. The Destitution of Service

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Jeremiah

So much I could say about how proud I am of the man you are becoming. I can see God moving in your life. Continue to see His face and seek His will for your life. I am grateful every day that God placed you in our family and made it complete. And Yes, YOU will always be my baby.

more Chambers


"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose imagination is stayed on Thee." Isaiah 26:3 (R. V. marg.)

Is your imagination stayed on God or is it starved? The starvation of the imagination is one of the most fruitful sources of exhaustion and sapping in a worker's life. If you have never used your imagination to put yourself before God, begin to do it now. It is no use waiting for God to come; you must put your imagination away from the face of idols and look unto Him and be saved. Imagination is the greatest gift God has given us and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him. If you have been bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it will be one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together. Learn to associate ideas worthy of God with all that happens in Nature - the sunrises and the sunsets, the sun and the stars, the changing seasons, and your imagination will never be at the mercy of your impulses, but will always be at the service of God.

"We have sinned with our fathers; . . . and have forgotten" - then put a stiletto in the place where you have gone to sleep. "God is not talking to me just now," but He ought to be. Remember Whose you are and Whom you serve. Provoke yourself by recollection, and your affection for God will increase tenfold; your imagination will not be starved any longer, but will be quick and enthusiastic, and your hope will be inexpressibly bright.

Lord Jesus, show me how to do this. Help me remember.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Oswald and me

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly." 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

When we pray to be sanctified, are we prepared to face the standard of these verses? We take the term sanctification much too lightly. Are we prepared for what sanctification will cost? It will cost an intense narrowing of all our interests on earth, and an immense broadening of all our interests in God. Sanctification means intense concentration on God's point of view. It means every power of body, soul and spirit chained and kept for God's purpose only. Are we prepared for God to do in us all that He separated us for? And then after His work is done in us, are we prepared to separate ourselves to God even as Jesus did? "For their sakes I sanctify Myself." The reason some of us have not entered into the experience of sanctification is that we have not realized the meaning of sanctification from God's standpoint. Sanctification means being made one with Jesus so that the disposition that ruled Him will rule us. Are we prepared for what that will cost? It will cost everything that is not of God in us.

Are we prepared to be caught up into the swing of this prayer of the apostle Paul's? Are we prepared to say - "Lord, make me as holy as You can make a sinner saved by grace"? Jesus has prayed that we might be one with Him as He is one with the Father. The one and only characteristic of the Holy Ghost in a man is a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, and freedom from everything that is unlike Him. Are we prepared to set ourselves apart for the Holy Spirit's ministrations in us?

Isn't this always the bottom line? No to our flesh, to our personal preferences, our fleshly desires; it matters not whether they are legitimate needs or godly passions...but if they are ours, and not in His plan for our lives they are made void when it comes to us responding to His personal call on our lives. We must daily submit to His plan, His call, His purpose for our today, and every day thereafter. There is no wiggling or whining out of His way. The day and the plan he sets before us should not merely be our first choice after much debate but our only choice after no debate. We can waffle around and pretend we do not know what it is He wants from us this day...but it is usually the thing He has set right in front of us, the very thing we seek refuge from. But alas, there will be no peace in our lives, not right to our upside down ways until we submit and give our total will to Him. It begins in our small daily choices to choose, kindness over apathy; to choose obedience over excuses; a willingness to be nothing when we long for recognition and appreciation. Jesus never once asked for any of those; only to serve the Father and to feed his sheep. Find the sheep God has placed in your life, and give your life to them; never looking back.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

wasting time vs relaxing

Florida trip 2o11 day one...

Sitting in a Hampton in Stauton VA. Ate at a Red Lobster and now sitting watching TV and messing on the computer. My font is looking extra dark like its stuck in BOLD. So I do not know how it will look when published.
I do miss my babies already. But, I know I need this getaway. We considered bringing Kaleb, he did so well in Canada and is 6 months older. But, common sense won out. I guess. DA was clinging when i left saying, "don't leave Ammie, don't leave." He did run off and play then, but it still broke my heart. I had been talking to Kaleb for several weeks, trying to prepare him as he is less adaptable to new routines and situations. DA is usually just happy to be alive, rarely worries about much. I am blessed to see he is beginning to feel part of a home, our home, our family.
kaleb was doing well with the vacation he wasn't going on; he understood who was staying with him and that we would be back. Drew talked to them tonight and had pleasant conversation.

We have been making this trip for 13 years this year. Jer will be 15 a week from Sunday. I can hardly believe it. Life at our house is as intense as it was 15 year ago, well maybe not; Drew's dad had just died and Julia had skin cancer...That was rough. Now, the boys are active but growing fast, learning good things and not so good every day. But I can see God working in their lives.

My life has been difficult as of late. My mind seems like it has left for vacation months ago. I know I have been cranky, short tempered and down right nasty at times. Looking for find rest, much rest, and a way back to my saviour. Peace that has escaped me is what I seek. Rest in spirit, mind and soul will take me home a kinder gentler mom, wife and grammie.

Monday, January 10, 2011

to snow or not to snow

I am hoping for snow. Lots of snow. Snow day(s) for Jer. Snow angel play for boys. Hot soup or maybe a big pot of chili. Yep good old fashioned comfort food, a fire in the wood burner, and snuggling with my boys, big and little ones.

Grateful for my warm home and food in the fridge and pantry. Really grateful for an attached garage. Our new, not quite two years, home continues to be an amazing blessing in my life. Feeling kind of warm and fuzzy today.
*Happy anniversary Ned and Hannah. 2 years today.
*Only 12 short weeks till our newest Kimmel arrives. Hang in there Jen.
*Jer put the boys to bed all on his own; all was quiet in less than an hour.
*Jer scored a basket tonight @ his game
*ate dinner out w/drew alone
*had another one but it slipped away.
Time for sleep
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Thursday, January 06, 2011


I wonder if the disciples evera thought when they got up that ordidary morning, that they were enjoying the dawn of a day of miracles. A day to be recorded as a lesson to all of history. As the crowds gathered on the hill to see this man of mystery preach, did they grumble knowing it might be another long day in the scorching sun? Even as a boys meager lunch grew into a feast for thousands could they have imagined how many times the events of the day would be retold, demonstrating to generations the the tender care of the Creator God? how do we view a new day? Expectantly? Grudgingly? Confident in our Saviours design for or day, for our lives? Every day we draw a breath is an example to a broken world that Jesus loves the lost, and He's waiting to save and heal each hurting soul.
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another day in paradise or two tickets to paradise

Lying on the floor of the nursery; boys are asleep. Kinda a miracle it's only 8:18 pm.
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Saturday, January 01, 2011

rubber hose

Steal your heart,
Steal your nose,
Feel like you been beat with a rubber hose.
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a walk in the park

Shade trees the scent of pine
Crunching under foot

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