I have been thinking about this prompt, thinking, not writing. I’m not sure if I can resist some minor editing. But I will try.
The year was 1976. Our nation’s bicentennial. An election. And the year I graduated from high school. The second presidential election eighteen years olds got to vote. I was more than excited. I registered. Went to my polling place ready to make my tiny dent in American society.
An accidental president and an unknown peanut farmer. Forty some years ago my selection was my own. A bit of a contentious election; voters received their information from television and the written pages. Not near the frenzied media barrage we experience today. Facts. Figures. Images. Instantly coursing through our homes, our lives. The choice is remains simple; decide, choose, vote. 2020 has been flooded with strife, violence, division, and political vomit. (To graphic perhaps)
Still, one thing remains from my first experience voting; to today’s manic hate fueled election; Jesus is Lord. Of our land and our election. He rules. Not only our country, but all of creation, from the “in the beginning” until His glorious return...
No matter the results of this election, we ran be assured we are safe under His reign and rule. Let’s fix our eyes on Him.