A horse of course (horse pictured w/Jer is Cool, not a new horse)
For those who do not have a horse of have had the joy of hanging out with them, have I got a story or two for you.
We recently added two new equines to our barn family. One, a short stubby guy; he looks sort of like a chocolate cake with a mane and a tail. The other a strawberry roan; I have always wanted a roan. He, Poco, is small enough to be considered a pony but large enough to haul Jer around at top speed. These two new guys, both geldings, are going to bring a lot of laughter to the farm. Buddy, the chocolate cake, loves to sit down on his haunches like a dog. Other horses might lie down in the warm sun, or jump up quickly after a luxurious roll in the mud or sand. Not this guy, He just sits there front legs up in front, rear legs...one under his bum and the other streached out to the side. Remember he is not much bigger than a large rotwiler so the comparison to a dog is not much of a stretch. The two of them are inseparable, waking, eating, just hanging out side by side, as if velcroed together. Except of course Poco does not do the sit like a dog thing. Sometimes Poco leads the way; this must irritate Buddy as he often nips the larger horse in the butt or flank. Almost as if he knows Buddy can't help himself with his impulsive orneriness, Poco just plods ahead ignoring the biting pony. Every once in a while Poco must get fed up, with the unsolicited nibbling, one of his short back legs will fly out to one side almost striking his little friend, most missing on purpose. The fake kick may be meant to remind the pesky pony that he is the bigger one, and could retaliate if he wanted.
Now I wanted to tell today's story about Cool turning on the light in her stall, yes, by her self. Stuck her head out the window in her stall door, streches it around and either her nose or long tongue swats the switch up; lights on! 'Bout scared me out of my wits, as I was closing up the barn and all was dark before she showed off her latest trick. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
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