The baby I
went to see
Yesterday was fantastic, and today way up there again. I rode two horses today, made supper, cleaned up from supper, washing a load of clothes, and am on my way to read to Jer. Also, I went and looked at a little filly I am considering buying. My husband Drew and I are planning on easing into the horse breeding business/hobby. My black mare is contracted to be bred to a beautiful stallion out in California. His stuff, semen, is coming here, not him, nor is she going there. It is called AI breeding for anyone not up on modern horse breeding. They will FedEx the cooled semen overnight, then comes the vet and hopefully in a month or so we will know if we have a baby. Cool huh? I may try and post a link for the stallion's website. http://www.lakeshastapaints.com/html/amigoscodybar.html
OK, I guess I did it. Check it out; he is a looker.
Rode Sunny this Am...he did really well; considering I have not had him out for a few months. We walked down the driveway, up on the hill, and even out on the rode for a hundred yards or so. I was a little restless at first, but settled down and seemed to enjoy himself. I would have worked him a bit longer, but Drew invited me to lunch, so I could not pass that offer up could I? Forgot about that, I was a busy girl.
Ned went with me after supper and we took Cool up on the hill. I rode for a while and then he got on for at least 20-30 minutes. She was raring to go, and was in a big hurry to get up to the arena. She ran right through the gate and started down the rail. She was ready to fly, usually I have to kick the daylights out of her to get her to pick up a corto. (trot for a paso) I think I could have gotten her to canter today, but it was cold and I did not have that much time. She was wonderful for Ned. He seems to be a natural. He has nice long legs, makes it nice for him and the horse.
OK, time for me to go read with Jer. I am getting sleepy too and I have to take a shower. I need to think of some uplifting words before I sign off. The sun was out all day and it seems to keep my spirits lighter. If only I could focus on the Son of God more, then night or day, trial or joy my heart would sing the song of Life without hesitation. 'Cause His Son always shines. Today I feel His pleasure in my tasks well done. So much yet to accomplish in my messy, messy home but I know God will give me vision and direction each day's duties and the strength and wisdom to complete them for His Glory.
1 comment:
So... would you have ever thought that you'd be BLOGGING about excitedly looking forward to receiving dry-ice packed horse semen from California, delivered via FedEx?
Ten years ago, if you would describe any of this, except for the FedEx (although it was, even then, was like flying on the Concorde... pretty rare for most folks) to someone, they'd think you were crazy.
Similarly, look at what most jobs involve, these days... sitting in a cubical typing at a little box. Ten years ago, or even today, are we really preparing people for this?
Hmmm... and, really, did most of these jobs even exist ten years ago?
But, back to the "cooled horse semen" jetting here from California... your life seems to have taken some really interesting twists, Sandy!
"Oh, I'm just waiting for a package..."
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