OK, Vic, you can quit talking to yourself, I am here now.
Jer's cell phone went into the washing machine with my barn jeans. It is now drying out on the chair in my bedroom. He, needless to say, is not very happy with me. He gave it to me tonight while we were riding in the arena. Before I got into the shower earlier I began to empty my pockets in the bathroom. Concious of having his phone also in my pocket, I could swear I set it on the sink or towel shelf. After showering I gathered up my dirty stuff and decided to stuff it right in the washing machine. Believing I had already taked the phones and other stuff out of my pockets, I never even checked them.
Later he asked me for his phone, I cofidently said, "its in the bathroom."
"No...its not," says Jer.
"OH sure it is honey, well check down in the kitchen. Maybe I took it out downstairs before I came up. I remember taking it out of my pocket. I just don't remember where."
No phone, anywhere. "OK," I nervously admit, "maybe its in the washing machine." It was. At least this one did not go into the dryer. I have done that before too.
Oh well, what ya gonna do. A middle aged mama, whose brains are shriveling.
Did I mention my mare is pregnant. Oh yea I did.
We are home from the nation to the north. I truly love it up there. I wish everyone could experience it just once. Even you Vic. There is a bed and breakfast just up the river from were we stay. It is much more civilized than the cabin/cottage life. Canadians call them cottages, and you go on a holiday, not a vacation. And, you say "AYE" any old place you want to in any conversation, in any setting. Its kinda cool. We all usually AYE for a couple of weeks or so every year until it wears off. I would peck out a demonstration dialogue, but I hate dialogue and I ready used up my weekly allowance of quotation marks in the phone in the washer bit.
Suffice it to say, saying AYE is cool. Try it.
Nuts, and I have poison something all over my torso and lower back. Some kind of Canadian poison leaf stuff. I am guessing anyway. It almost looks like Zorro attacked me with a red magic marker, except for the one place where the blotch is about as big around as a baseball. Not puffed out that big, just one two-dimensional. Itchy, yes. I am using this stuff called Zanfel. Works pretty well for the most part, which is why I think its some form of poison. Otherwise why would poison ivy medicine be working right? Only problem for each area that begins to clear up, two more show up. If this continues I may call the Dr. or be forced to try the one redneck home remedy of Clorox Bleach. And yes it burns and stings like...heck.
All that is left is to write something spiritual and I can call it a night. Oh, and the pictures above are a few more Canada pics. Drew in skis, on the dock. He ended up removing them, getting in the water and then putting them on again. Which is the way you are supposed to do it in the first place. Actually, he is a very good skier. The other two are the kids all jumping off the dock one night.
My wisdom well seems to be a bit dry. But the one thing I do know is that there are very few things in life that show off the mercy of God than know I have good friends. That they love me, and want to hear about my mundane little life. God created us to be intertwined with one another, in such a way that we hold each other up. Laugh together, cry together, and love HIM together. For that I am grateful.
Oh and Happy Late Birthday to Rob. The big day was Saturday, so be sure to let him know...ahh...he's getting older just like the rest of us....