Lucy the Cat before her grand adventure
Well...my usual beginning words. Or maybe "OK" or some other air/space filler to get my mind moving in the general direction of thinking and typing at the same time.
1st: I have a drs appointment in Black Lick at 2:00 this afternoon and must leave home here in a short time. I asked to be put on a waiting list so I could get in sooner than my scheduled appointment and of course they called yesterday for an appointment today. If you know me you know I NEVER schedule anything at 2 PM except a nap, of an N.A.P. meeting as Drew says. But I am resting in my chair with my feet propped up, which means I will not be able to bend them when the time comes to stand up. Feels good now, but we all know about that whole gratify my now pay later sentiment...
Ok, Allen is moved along with his beautiful family, and his lovely mom. I am excited for them. I know it will be a huge adjustment for all but he house is very tidy, newly painted and plenty big. Updated kitchen and other features with an old farmhouse feel. Our whole family pulled together and got the job done with no fussing or fury. A major miracle if you ask me. Moving is stressful under any circumstances and we typically excel at chaos and confusion, but for us A+ for the day. Ben Murphy and Randy worked the Indiana end with Bev until the rest of the fam minus me and Jer made it to town. I went to the farm but pooped out before they went on into town. Jer had a furious cold and was stuck on the couch, which is were I joined him after the first leg was complete.
2nd: I was pitched off my filly on Sunday. All is well, I am only bruised and not broken. Praise God. We were in the arena so I landed on sand. Twisted my neck a bit and banged my tailbone, which by the way I have hated my entire life. No matter how chubby I get my silly tailbone still extends past my rear end and makes sitting uncomfortable. Makes landing hard on your back even more uncomfortable. Ha. The horse was not truly at fault, just spooked as two year olds do. She went one way, I went the other way. And, the ground came up real fast. As I laid on the ground looking up at her she sort or just looked at me like, "Oops" and then took off at lightening speed doing laps around the ring. I think she thought if we caught her her she was going to get her butt kicked. Not likely, since it took me at least ten minutes to even make it to my feet let alone raise a hand to spank. No worries, Jer got back on top in only a few minutes and I followed after a brief respite collecting of wits and breath.
I was supposed to be brief. Cat is hobling along. House is coming. I know I need to get some recent pictures. Jer goes back to school in a couple weeks. Wow, quick summer. I love our new horse, took her out this morning she will make quite the trail horse. Dory is not yet pregnant, still waiting on her to say, "yes" to her man. Benign enough Rob?
I bought my book for care group, means I intend to read it and attend the meetings....
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Okay, speaking of care groups, mine has started doing some guys night things and also having some care groups just for the gals. One of the few nights I'm around for care group, and it's girls night out, or something.
Which is a problem. I think I need more time around guys. The other day I was stressed out (sin!) from a couple of phone conferences (but at least I wasn't having chest pains, like I was a few weeks ago, as I was "hosting" a phone conference) that I had this crazy craving for chocolate, and went on a chocolate run for the office. The last few songs I've purchased were from Sarah McLachlan.
I'm wondering if the next thing that happens is I start wearing dresses, or something. Seriously, I'm surrounded by so many women... many of whom are drama queens, so, I don't know, I'm resonating to their level of anxiety, or something. Most of the men are so over-the-top misogynistic, it's unreal.
What's playing on iTunes, right now? Norah Jones.
I need to do something.
I think a few hours of Led Zeppelin will help. I'm out on business, all day tomorrow... I think I need to get some steak in me or something... none of that steroid/hormone stuffed beef, either.
I need a guys night out with my care group, where we can bowl, drink beer (sssshhhh!), eat wings, and make bodily noises without fear of reprisal.
It's a twist on "Man I love my church," certainly, but sincere all the same.
Oh, what I meant to say is "Where we can, um, work downtown at the homeless shelter moistening the cracked lips of orphans with camphor, and soothing the fevered brows of sick kittens with champagne-soaked chamois."
RULE ONE OF GUYS NIGHT OUT: Don't talk about guys night out.
RULE TWO OF GUYS NIGHT OUT: What happens at guys night out, stays at guys night out.
WARNING: Graphic Content
Okay! It's working! I'm shaking my head to "Whole Lotta Love" and I have the four CD box set, so I've got nearly five hours of the Zep to get through.
And I'm drinking --- straight from the bottle, baby! --- Caffeine Free Diet Coke! I don't need no sissy glass or whatever. I do things MY way! That's the way I roll, and if you can't handle this kind of raw masculinity, you better find yourself another blog, because I'm a loose canon, over here. If this hadn't gone flat a day or two ago, I'd burp REALLY LOUD. Good thing y'all are so far away, as this much machismo can be terrifying, if you're not used to it.
Ramble On,
And now's the time, the time is now
To sing my song.
I'm goin' 'round the world,
I got to find my girl, on my way.
I've been this way ten years to the day,
Ramble On,
Gotta find the queen of all my dreams.
Yeah. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! WHOOOOO!!!
Good to see a different side of you Rob... even though I am a woman, I know what you mean about working with too many women... it’s a little too hormonal and dramatic...
Now that I work with all guys, it is really funny to send out a page long email with questions and get back a five word sentence to answer all my questions. Guys really do think differently. I am trying to learn from them. I really don't need to be so wordy I guess... although I don't think you will be accused of being short and sweet with your emails/blog entries any time soon...
One thing I have noticed working with guys is that if a woman picks on another woman their feelings get hurt, but guys intentionally pick on each other and it's funny.
So, just to be clear, were you joking or did you really have chest pains a few weeks ago? Did you get it checked out? You have been working really hard. If you aren't feeling well, let someone know so they can check on you. Don't mess around with chest pains.
Sandy, we prayed for you tonight at care group. A general prayer for strength, & wisdom & grace.
Night all, I am going to try and sleep tonight. Last night I had bad insomnia. Only got about two hours sleep. I am really grateful though, because I haven't struggled with insomnia for a few months. God is always good to remind us of our need for Him
Yes, Vicki, the chest pains were real. Thanks for your concern, but it was temporary and very limited/focused on a particular situation. I can't keep thanking God enough for this job, really, because there are SO MANY THINGS I'm learning. Or given the opportunity to learn from, maybe is more accurate.
Really. I'm okay, and am grateful for the many wake-up calls I've been getting over the past year about sin areas in my life. I feel overwhelmed, but not discouraged, even though I don't seem to be doing much to address them, other than pseudo-confessing them here, saying, "Oh, what a wretched man I am..."
Saturday, 23 August 2008
I've kind of taken off the past few days, and it's been great! For the past 2-3 weeks I've been trying to clean my apartment, and by "clean" I mean throwing things away. I get a heavy garbage bag and walk around, throwing 3-5 things in each room away. It's liberating! I've got caught up on my bills, and even scheduled the next batch, for September! I cashed in $500 of hotel points for WalMart, Amazon, and Shell gas cards (lots of Shell stations around Harrisburg). I've asked to use the company car a couple of times next month. I bought some bins for some of the stuff I have floating around and driving me crazy. I finished a book or two...
As wonderful as this is, I'm still not caught up with work or with church stuff or a half-dozen other things in my life. But I feel somewhat on top of things, especially with that throwing things away bit. I remember reading about that last fall, flying back from spending Thanksgiving with my mom and her uber-cluttered house. WalMart sells what are called "carpenter garbage bags" that are ultra heavy-duty, so you can just chuck stuff in without a thought or worry.
Also... I watched the movie Fight Club for the first time, and have to say... I really enjoyed it. For many reasons. I mean, here's a summary of the book: Fight Club (1996), by Chuck Palahniuk, chronicles an anonymous protagonist who is struggling with a growing discomfort with consumerism as a way of life, and with changes in the state of masculinity in American culture. To overcome this, he establishes an underground fighting club as radical psychotherapy. There's a lot happening in the movie, and, well, a lot of it hit home. Not really a movie I think any of the readers of this blog would like or enjoy, but I'm just sayin'...
Stuff to do... see y'all in church.
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