For me so much new and exciting life seems to be just around the corner of time. Of course my philosophy of living Today completely and fully; energetically and with anticipation make it difficult to imagine More.
Two new babies; one coming any day; one not until autumn certainly mean More life. 'Ammy is quite exited about these impending births. The first could be deemed a tragedy or travesty if viewed from the wrong perspective. Every birth and new life is a miracle blessing from a loving God. But Baby Girl Kimmel will enter this world having both her parents enrolled in the PA penal system having plans to remain so incarcerated for several years. With both anticipation and anxiety we grandparents wait. Knowing God has planned this little life and placed her in our family evokes humility and awe.
Fear, not of God, sprouts from its ugly seed creating stubby bamboo like stumps designed for the tripping over. Need to go and read all the "but Gods" and "therefores" in the Bible and brush up on my knowledge and understanding of how able and ready my Lord is to bring triumph out of travesty. I know this to be true, Lord help me own it in my soul; again.
Our second little life arrives as the leaves turn and with temperatures moderate, maybe close to her "Ammy's birthday, which would be extra sweet. Oops, I said her, that is an unknown. Her parents, oops again, are working hard to create a safe and God-centered home, warm and comfy, full of love and laughter. My joy and pride are without limits.
Both babies will need a Savior, A God who is able to redeem and purchase their lives for eternity. So grateful am I that such a Savior Lives. He will provide for babies, parents, and grandparents all that they need to nurture and raise this next generation.
Sandy, I so enjoyed reading this. You are a wonderful "ammy" & such an example. I love your attitude & God centered approach to both new babies.
Love you girlfriend!
Sue M
I have to keep preaching it to myself; why I keep writing about it. It is so all about grace.
hoping we will be able to hang out soon... missing you... thank you for humbly sharing about the road the Lord has you on... I will be praying for all of you.
Love you.
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