Doing much better. born with methadone in her system she has suffered serious withdrawal symptoms. Respiratory troubles, irritability, and various others. She was placed on morphine after five days and began to improve after a few days. Currently her morphine is gradually being weaned down and she is taking a bottle with earnest. God is bringing healing quickly as was my prayer; that she blow away the professionals leaving room for Glory to God alone. More details should follow, but know me; no promises.
And yes she is tiny. currently weighing in at 5lb 4oz. And well she is stunning.
I am rejoicing with you in your little miracle. How precious are children in the sight of the Lord.
I was talking with Emma about Jesus and she asked me if He liked children. To see her light up and smile when I told her He not only loved children but that they held a special place for children in His heart was so sweet to see.
To see the miracle of Chloe you can't help but see God's hand at work.
Praying for her and all of you.
Love you.
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