Big brother Kaleb and DA have been living with Jer, Drew, and I since baby sister was born, where previously our baby boys split their time between Bev's and our place. When we began this adventure I don't think any of us adults ever imagined it would become a long term endeavor. We believed Allen would spend sometime in jail, realize he had messed up and become a grownup and a Dad. Unfortuanely for adults and young boys alike, such was not the case. We became grandPARENTS, and two little boys lost their daddy. Mommy too, but she was never an intricate part of their lives. And now we have Chloe. What does it all mean?
Possibly God is calling all of us to a more intimate relationship with Him so that we are better able to discern and pursue with diligence the overwhelming job He has called us to.
not near as lengthy and informative as it could/should be, but a baby step.
Missing you...
Emma still prays for Jere every night. Tonight she informed me she wants to have Jere and you guys all over for dinner when we move to our new house.
She made it very clear that she would be sitting by Jere.
Hope to get together soon.
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