I had the tune in my head but could not remember the right words. The wind was bitter; the sky gloomy(most of the day), and I had make the trip to Kittanning TWICE today. So what made the day beautiful? I guess the pricking of my spirit with the knowledge that we can be content in all things. And content does not mean just enduring, putting up with, or eeking by. But I believe it means a relaxed peaceful enjoyment in our lives as they are, sort of an "as is" kind of acceptance.
The icy wind that bit at my cheeks, dove under my collar and around my neck and reminded me how alive I am. The hardness of the bricks under my boots as I tromp from one end of the barn to the other allows even my feeble legs to feel sturdy and strong. Warm horse breath on the back of my neck brings a smile to my frozen face as the huge creatures bend their graceful neck to show their appreciation for the days hay, and a clean stall. Well not so sure they care about the clean stall, but truly they want a neck scratching or muzzle rub just like any house pet. Each with their own personality they give and receive affection on their terms and in their own manner of demonstration.
Today life felt good. Every day God is good; all His gifts are good; so no matter what every day is good, regardless of how I feel. Knowing this and walking it out in faith is an exceptional thing. But today I did not have to just go on in faith. Today God blessed me with the deep inner sense of "yes, this day is Good." Which made the day all the sweeter. Not a special day by any means, a little wearing by some standards. But crisp clean air, dinner smiles and laughter with my family, and a little damp horse breath, all bathed in the Grace and Glory of the Lord came together to create on beautiful day in my neighborhood.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Man, it's good to be back home. I'm at a different site every day next week, but home every night, which is nice.
Business is... a lot like DIlbert portrays it. A lot. A WHOLE lot.
Vicki, do enjoy your time off... I'm a bit envious, as crazy, often arbitrary, deadlines for many projects loom before me in the next 10 days.
Hey Rob, don't be envious... those projects mean a paycheck...
I am trying to look for a job as soon as possible and not see it as a break. I don't want to get into debt during this time. God is faithful and He will open the right door though in His perfect time.
Glad you're home. It is hard being on the road all the time.
Sandy- hope you are feeling good and getting plenty of rest.
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