What do those who are born on February 29th do about their birthdays on the in-between years? I mean I am sure they, or their parents, the day the are born, just have to pick another day to celebrate, March 1 or February 28. I have wondered about this in the past but not to the place of serious thought.
For some odd reason I wondered about this birthday dilemma today, out loud, to a friend. I do not think most of us really give a hoot. I know I never did before. But babies will be born today and will not have another birth DATE for four more years. When you are small you could care less, I mean who at one year of age knows the difference between one day or the next. You eat, sleep, poop, go to grandma's; could be any old day. It's when we get older that we/I crave the adulation that comes with God allowing us another year here in the fallen world.
Anyway, Happy Birthday to all you leap year babies out there. I could give you several of mine it you'd like to catch up...
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Happy Leap Day!
(this is a great blog to follow, by the way)
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Now I'm really curious who the "author" is, above, and what he or she initially said!
The author was "me" rob...I was thanking you for complimenting me on my having a "great blog to follow" until I realized you were talking about the chart lady's blog...Ha Ha. Shame on me.
Awww Sandy, you have a great blog to follow... why else would I check your blog more than any other blog?
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