Almost done

Our baby calf is doing better. We may let him and his mama out with the others later this weekend if he continues to improve. He is still weak and somewhat wobbly but is more alert and more active, even evading Drew as he chased after him to administer a shot of antibiotics. Now if that wasn't a sight!
We still have seven cows who should calf, but it may be that at least one maybe two of them are empty. No baby in the belly. Our bull had to be put down earlier this spring and he may have been losing strength as the season progressed last summer. Time will tell. But the grass is all greened up and the girls are all happy munching on God's natural nutrition. Speaking of natural, I have been back to the osteopathic DR I had visited a month ago and got all the scoop from the 28 tubes of blood and gallon of pee. Good and bad. That will have to come when I have at least half a brain. Enough said that I was greatly encouraged but have a pile of supplements to order. Iodine levels, and female hormones are way out of whack. Go figure. Otherwise, I should live to be 100. Has me on expensive antivirals to combat possible source of MS type symptoms. I am so sick of feeling crummy, I would drink....almost anything.
I have been a lazy writer this week. Fatigue and busyness has overwhelmed me a bit. Dory, my filly, is not pregnant. Found that out earlier this afternoon. Very disappointing after all we have been through last year. We were going to try again early next week but I think I am going to wait until her next cycle. I am just not up to the emotion or energy of it all. I want to give her a chance to come into heat on her own too, instead of using hormones. We may have been to eager this first go-round. I have two months or cycles, besides the current one, left in this breeding season; I want to make sure I give her and me the best chance we have. Each attempt, even though I have already paid for the semen, costs several hundred dollars. So the whole ordeal is taxing in a many ways.
Our foundation is almost complete. The block layers hope to finish Monday or Tuesday. Then comes the fun part, watching the frame go up. Thanks to you who have been encouraging and praying for me. All this is very wonderful, but a lot for me to take on all at once. By the time we leave our current home I will have lived in in for almost 23 years. Almost half my life. In some ways all my life. God's Time, His Plan, His Gracious Wisdom.
You know, I saw this cartoon a few weeks ago, but never linked to it. It reminds me, a little, of some of your posts about... farm life.
How to talk to a farmer
Enjoying the nicer weather... especially with the aid of generic Claritin...
Hope everyone is doing okay... talk to you all later!
Apparently I did something wrong in the link voodoo. It's been a while. Let me try again... ahem...
How to talk to a farmer
Let's see, does THAT work?
I guess I don't get the empty belly thing.
Does that mean she never got pregnant - or she miscarried - or it is a still born?
So the bull was a little too old with too many cows to impregnate?
I guess I just thought you knew which cows were pregnant and which weren't. I didn't realize the poor bull had to impregnate all the cows. Do you try to have every cow pregnant every year?
This is very interesting...
Your house seems to be coming together really fast! Thanks for the pics... I love it.
Sunday, 4 May 2008
I just watched a really great movie, thanks to NetFlix:
Joe Bob says: check it out.
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Vicki: don't start getting back on those weird schedules where you work all night and sleep for pockets of time during the day...
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Sandy: c'mon, we're waiting to hear updates on the whole house and cow situations!
So Rob - when did you finally sleep yesterday? I went to bed at 6 pm and I just woke up now at 1 am. Good thing I woke up - I fell asleep with my laptop next to me - and when I woke up I touched it and it was VERY hot! I didn't realize that with it on standby it would still be running and get so hot. I am still tired and am planning on going right back to sleep.
I am off to Greensburg today for a sale. Hopefully I will get to stop in and see my mom.
Get some rest Rob! You do too much driving to drive tired.
Sandy - are you stayinig sane through this house thing or is it getting stressful? A lot of people have told me picking everything out and all the decisions they need to make is very stressful.
BTW - whatever happended with the septic system or whatever you call it? Did you get the kind you want? Did drew have to hold anyone at gunpoint?
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