Drew digging
Dave digging
Oops where is Jer's head?

Rainy day Monday...a bit chilly too. I have a few pics from earlier last week. The rain has slowed down the progress on the block laying. Nothing exciting this weekend. Jer, Janet and I rode on Saturday. Jer had a friend over on Sunday after church. Later Drew and I took Jer, Randy, and Ned to Tom's Pizza for dinner. Umm, umm good. Greek Salad, wings, and pizza with ham and pineapple. And, for a change, sorta, we had a really nice time. Good food, good conversation, fine family time.
Our sick calf is recovering, but very slowly. We are still tube feeding him twice a day. He is sometimes eating off his mama, but not enough to sustain him. He is weak and wobbly on his feet. We make him get up and walk around after he eats. His mama is getting better at tolerating us, which is nice since she tried to cripple me last week. Ha Ha.
Jer was off school today. He went to the dentist, I had some blood drawn, and went to the Verizon store. Yish..the Verizon store is a wearing experience itself. I was fortunate to only be there for a few minutes. Of course all I got out of the trip was an 800 number to call so I could exchange my phone for a new one. Did all that, had to reprogram my current phone, strip it of all data and reboot it. I thought I had all my contact info downloaded onto my computer. Nope, some but not all. We also could not get my calander info to download. So...Yep, now I have to reload it all by hand. First finding the silly stuff. Calling to confirm times and dates, and phone numbers. Yes Rob, it will be a pain. Pray for me from your experience. I am going to wait for the new phone to come before I reload all that info. No sense and putting it on my current phone just to have to do it again in two days. Time for bed. No wise words for today. I am sure there are several parables in this Verizon experience. But alas, to weary to wonder.
Also, Why does Dave have a shovel and Drew a backhoe? It is Dave's job. Drew says he cannot find a shovel handle to fit his hand.
No wonder Drew works so much... He gets to play in the dirt... He has such fun toys...
I got my new printer today for work. I call it R2 D2. It's a huge laser printer/scanner/fax/copier. I felt so bad for the delivery guy bringing it to me. He was a really sweet older guy and he was struggling to carry it.
Well - I still have some more work to do. I worked a full day today and then at 5 pm I just crashed - I needed a nap. Unfortunately I woke up at 9 pm! Wonder if I will sleep tonight.
Oh man, it's after 8PM! I'm at the Meadville office, getting a lot done, enjoying the beautiful night, and just realized that it's not 5:30 or so, but 8:12! Time to wrap up, I'd say.
Anyway... enjoying the photos and updates, Sandy! And I don't know if this is maturity or what, but I know that a few years ago I'd be really curious about your smart phone and R2D2 thing, Vicki... but now I'm just happy my small set of hardware works consistently, with few issues... WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?
1:00 am and I am still wide awake... Went to bed Tues night at 3:00 am. Some pretty wierd info-mercials on this time of night...
la la la... 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep... 5,948,493 sheep, 5,948,494 sheep...
Hey aren't we supposed to get our stimulate the economy check this week??
Gotta get up at 7 am... better try to go to sleep...
Good night, good morning all...
Finally got to bed at 3:15 am...
Is it morning or afternoon? I think I am nocternal...
Well, time to start my day. How's the baby calf doing?
How many more births do you have?
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