Six little cows all in a row
Very blurry but you get the idea...

Yes, and we do have a building permit. Drew has begun to dig out the foundation and the driveway to the house is more or less in. Probably anyone but Rob could drive up to the house. Low riders may still experience a bit of a drag. The whole sewage thing is still bit up in the air. Technically we have permission to build and the DEP did approve a spot for a sand mound, but I believe we may be pursuing a different option. The DEP site is directly behind and uphill of our back porch and installation there would involve removing substantial portion of the woods we had hoped to gaze at while drinking morning coffee. Heh...I have been very busy doing busy stuff. No new calves or anything. Just running around stuff. Now it is nap time. Did not even get one yesterday. God is moving on my heart in so many ways and that is a total blast. Maybe later tonight I can get some of it down before I forget. Ha Ha.
Yeah! You broke ground!!!
With all the big machines Drew has this house will be done in no time. Keep us posted and get some rest.
Just back from a day in DuBois. You know, Sandy, I now see/notice baby calves (although they're frighteningly big to be called "babies") all over the place. That farm on the top of the hill, on 422 (where the big explosion took place, years ago)? The other day the grass was such a brilliant green, the sky so blue, and dozens and dozens of little cows mingled with their moms.
Can't wait to read the rest of your day, and what God's doing in your life!
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