First flowers planted in the woods to the left behind the "house"
And the day is done
Jer and I successfully completed the 2008 MS Walk. We walked the entire distance and were not the last walkers for the first time. I can tell I am in better shape, I did not feel like I could not take another step until the last quarter mile or so. Though they did change the route for the walk and eliminated several of the worst hills. Also, the weather was very cooperative with cooler temperatures and no rain. We had only a few walkers but still a great day as it was fun to see Jer make it through with much less effort than in the past. He had a friend from school come along; kind of looks like Dennis the Menace. His name is Denton...I had to keep calling him back; Jer and I slowed him down. But, I think he kept us going.
So very often I am looking at my sacrifices more than I am focusing on the Lord. God has been bringing me back over and over to the core, it is really not at all about me. It is all about Him. When I serve my family and I believe I do not get the appreciation I deserve the old martyr gear kicks in and my spiritual ego inflates. "Oh, what a diligent servant I am. How blessed the Lord must be at my dusty little pile of pebbles I am piling up for myself here on earth." My insignificant sacrifice is of far less significance than one grain of sand on all the shores of all the oceans and seas on all of the earth that He spoke into being.
Of course He is pleased when we are obedient, for to obey is better than sacrifice; and HE promises to reward us for our feeble acts of obedience, but at His discretion and in His time. Not ours. Never when I think I deserve it, 'cause I never deserve it. And, like the scripture says when I focus on my sacrifice, my motives are twisted and I become discouraged and frustrated. I have stepped out of His perfect order and into my own agenda. Very bad news. Thank you oh Lord for continuing to remind me that I am not in charge. And that is a VERY good thing.

Jer and I successfully completed the 2008 MS Walk. We walked the entire distance and were not the last walkers for the first time. I can tell I am in better shape, I did not feel like I could not take another step until the last quarter mile or so. Though they did change the route for the walk and eliminated several of the worst hills. Also, the weather was very cooperative with cooler temperatures and no rain. We had only a few walkers but still a great day as it was fun to see Jer make it through with much less effort than in the past. He had a friend from school come along; kind of looks like Dennis the Menace. His name is Denton...I had to keep calling him back; Jer and I slowed him down. But, I think he kept us going.
I always thought most of the books of the major prophets were long. Yesterday, I discovered a very short one, but direct and to the point.
The prophet Jeremiah gave a message to Baruch son of Neriah in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, after Baruch had written down everything Jeremiah had dictated to him. He said, "This is what the Lord God of Israel says to you Baruch: you have said. 'I am overwhelmed with trouble! Haven't I had enough pain already? And now the Lord has added more! I am weary of my own sighing and can find no rest.' "Baruch, this is what the Lord says: I will destroy this nation that I built. I will uproot what I had planted. Are you seeking things for yourself? Don't do it! But don't be discouraged. I will bring great disaster upon these people, but I will protect you wherever you go. I the Lord have spoken!"
Jeremiah 45... New Living Translation.
The following is from the study notes from my Bible.
God told Barach to take his eyes off himself and whatever rewards he thought he deserved. If he did this God would protect him. It is easy to lose the joy in serving God when we take our eyes off of him. The more we look away from God's purposes toward our own sacrifices the more frustrated we become. As you serve God beware of focusing on what you are giving up. When this happens ask for God's forgiveness and look at him rather than yourself.
So very often I am looking at my sacrifices more than I am focusing on the Lord. God has been bringing me back over and over to the core, it is really not at all about me. It is all about Him. When I serve my family and I believe I do not get the appreciation I deserve the old martyr gear kicks in and my spiritual ego inflates. "Oh, what a diligent servant I am. How blessed the Lord must be at my dusty little pile of pebbles I am piling up for myself here on earth." My insignificant sacrifice is of far less significance than one grain of sand on all the shores of all the oceans and seas on all of the earth that He spoke into being.
Of course He is pleased when we are obedient, for to obey is better than sacrifice; and HE promises to reward us for our feeble acts of obedience, but at His discretion and in His time. Not ours. Never when I think I deserve it, 'cause I never deserve it. And, like the scripture says when I focus on my sacrifice, my motives are twisted and I become discouraged and frustrated. I have stepped out of His perfect order and into my own agenda. Very bad news. Thank you oh Lord for continuing to remind me that I am not in charge. And that is a VERY good thing.
What a great message, this morning, then, huh? Keep your eyes on God, keep your heart full of joy and praise!
Glad the Walk turned out okay. I think Ned learned just how challenging something apparently simple as this can be! I (obviously) didn't walk, but turned in my registration and money.
I still am not sure where your new house is... someday when I have some free time (ha ha ha!), I'll have to come out and see it.
I really liked yesterday's message too. It so confirmed what I know I need to do. Cause I just love to be the martyr...
The new house will be about a quarter mile up the dirt road that Y's off to the right coming in the back way from the east. Then the driveway will be nearly a quater mile I am assuming. Foundation is being dug today and the driveway finished. Yippee!
Keep the pics coming... I love the play-by-play...
So today I was walking into Staples. I was looking at a package as I was walking into the building and totally didn't see the curb. I went airborne and so did my package. I must have looked pretty funny falling. I got up - didn't look to see if anyone saw, and walked into Staples to mail my package as if nothing happened. Other than a scraped knee, only my pride was hurt....
I think Steve's klutziness is rubbing off on me...
Monday, 21 April 2008
Sandy, did you know that your favorite restaurant is now in Pittsburgh? Yes, Bahama Breeze has had a restaurant at Robinson Center for a few YEARS, apparently. I just noticed as I drove past, today.
And man, talk about the martyr act... I've got that down to an art. It's always easy for me to find some way/reason to feel like I'm working so hard, and no one appreciates or notices... oh man.
I think I have a good idea where your new place is/will be. Any Ben or Allen or Randy updates?
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