Its like she was posing just for me, only right after I took this with my phone...she pooped in the hay. So cute and yet so disgusting. So like life. Don't ya think?
My Internet is down. I am tethered to my phone, but its battery is almost dead, can't charge and tether at the same time.
The cow in the hay and now the poop in the hay remind me how seamlessly all of life's adventure pass from glorious to terrifying. We have signs of new life all around us; our calves, budding flowers, greening grass, waking up every morning. Yet, tragedy can be just a breath away. I am not looking at any of the stuff happening in our family as tragedies, but one could I suppose.
Ben's eyes seem worse not better after his three day treatment. I drove him to work today and will again tomorrow. By the end of work today he said he could hardly see at all. My heart seems fractured in a thousand directions. I cried for the first time at care group tonight, more like a sniffly whimper, but still the pain of my son's situation came crashing in on me. I have a faith for healing, for his salvation; but as a mom I can barely stand to think of what this must be like for him. Surely, I would take it if I could.
Our application for a sewerage permit was rejected, says we cannot even have a sand mound. We are in the process of appealing it, sort of and there are options we are exploring. But initially, the shock was like a sucker punch. The whole thing is ludicrous when all the facts are laid out. But I am tired and my phone is dying. I believe the permit will come, but at what cost to Drew's character. He is livid, with some good reason, but if you know him you understand how he is responding. It has been very difficult for all of us.
Please pray Ben will turn to the Lord for his comfort, healing, and peace. Pray his eyes will be healed and he will praise God for the miracle of it.
Praying...love you!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Whew... you typed that all on your PHONE? As you've heard me say, I can barely dial my phone without erasing all my contacts...
I'm here in the Columbus Hyatt. A little nicer than the Comfort Inn I checked out of this morning. Man, I'm tired, though.
The company car's charger doesn't work, so no iPod. It has a cassette player (!) but no CD player, so it's been a lot of driving in either quiet, which is kind of nice, or country or hair band rock stations. Anyway, in the silence, it's been easier to pray for a variety of things, including Ben.
What's the next step, for him? I got the impression the steroids was the first step.
Way too much stuff to do before I sleep... take care, Sandy. Know that lots of people are praying for you, your family, and your various... situations.
Sometimes, I think it's a sin,
When I feel like I'm winnin'
when I'm losin' again.
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You really don't want Gordon Lightfoot stuck in your head.
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The conference is great, I'm really enjoying it, as are the foster parents with me. It's very encouraging and educational, and fun.
Plus we're eating well.
Just got back from dinner at a make-your-own Mongolian BBQ place: there are "salad bars" full of every kind of meat, poultry, seafood, vegetable, sauces, spices, etceteras. You put all you want in a big bowl, sauces/spices in another, and hand them to a guy who cooks it right in front of you. I used a little too much curry powder, red pepper flakes, and other hot stuff on my first batch, and made sweet and sour chicken on my second batch.
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Also in the hotel is a convention of "physical anthropologists," who, um, really know how to party. Really. Their classes begin at 1:00, since everyone is so... tired... from partying (ours start at 8 AM, because we care about children. It's not really how I pictured anthropologists. Someone else with the conference I'm at asked me, in the elevator, after an... exhausted... anthropologist got off, "What's an anthropologist?" and I had to laugh... wasn't sure how to explain, and said, "I don't know... I keep getting the mental picture of Indiana Jones..." and she laughed and we agreed that was close enough.
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Sundown, you better take care, if I find you've been creepin' 'round MY back stairs.
- - -
Oh, what's this? A tornado warning for Columbus. They're asking us to get into the basement.
Wait, what? Glad to be on the 9th floor. Huh. Nine floors of drunk anthropologists between me and the basement.
I don't think I have ever gone to a conference that I actually enjoyed. I remember one I went to at Mountain View Inn... I was so bored, I just couldn't stand one more minute of “we need to love ourselves” and “squeeze the magic stress ball to feel good”... so I got up and went for a walk. I wound up in the gift shop and bought a ring. Then I went for another walk... everyone was so absorbed in their "thinking positive thoughts" and "letting go of their negative energy" that they never even knew I was gone...
I am glad they are feeding you good and you are enjoying yourself... I never would have thought of anthropologists as party people. I thought their idea of a good time would be finding some artifact...
Of course I never would have thought Drew was a roller skater either…
Oh well, back to work. I absolutely love my job...
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