Sunday, October 19, 2008

Grandmothering is not for wimps

Above are the long anticipated pictures from my visit to my dads. There are more, we may get to them later, but the second baby is almost asleep so I will follow soon.The trick is to fall asleep the minute they do to best optimize their down time. Kaleb just quit thrashing and fussing in the next room, at least I can no longer here the crib banging off the wall or the wails of agony that accompany the, "I am NOT going to sleep" routine. DA is s-l-o-w-l-y drifting off to sleep in the chair beside me. NO, I do not make him sleep in the chair. Remember, his car seat is sitting on the chair beside my bed. I could put the car seat in the other crib in the "nursery" but then the little guys wake each other up. And two up at 3 AM is truly no picnic.
Drew made the comment that if someone had two kids the ages of our guys all the time that they would have to hire two full time helpers. I had to laugh. Sure validates the term full time mom, or the phrase "No, I do not work OUT of the home". He helped me with the baths and bedtime routine tonight. But then this morning before church he said he worked up a sweat putting socks on Kaleb. He never even made it to the shoes. Don't think that I do not appreciate the help he gives. Cause I do...I mean every little bit helps. Right? And the side humor...his struggling with the menial tasks does make the chores lighter.
OOhhh, deep breathing has comenced and I believe snoring is around the corner. Gotta sleep that is. No bodily fluid pun intented, but you may take it that way if you like.
Oh yea, my dad has chickens and we brought eggs home...


Roberto said...

It was fun to have a celebratory (even if belated) birthday lunch with you and the clans, Sandy!

Good to see you posting, more, as well! Your dad looks well.

Another busy week for me, although I'm home most nights... just up and out early most days. Thursday I'm presenting, with my counterpart, at the PA State Foster Parent conference, in Hershey. So far we have about 20 people signed up for our two hour slot.

Gotta hit the road... have a good week, everyone!

Sandy kimmel said...

wow! Im just sitting drinking coffee and listening to the baby suck down his first bottle of the day. Well, guess that depends on how you look @ it. There was the 3 am one...

Vicki said...

ok, I know I offered to take the little guy for you, but a reality check has hit me of what my limitations are and I have to I have to limit my offer. I have real estate classes Monday and Wednesday evenings and the building task force meeting on Thursday. I could take him Tuesday if you needed me to.

November 3rd... That is the end to my madness (I will still have to study for the state exam, but it won't be as crazy...) I just really want to help you guys out.

I know you will have them for a while, so I will be sure to keep checking in... I do want to help you guys, maybe even take both on the weekends in the future if you want...

Praying for you Sandy...

Roberto said...

I don't understand how I can so quickly and almost transparently switch between being acidly cynical and Pollyanish naive. I need God to help me find the wise in-between.

Growth rarely comes easy, I suppose.

- - -

Remember The Invaders (in color!)? I've been watching the first season, thanks to NetFlix. NetFlix is such a brilliant idea, and it's one of those little things that I'm not nearly as grateful for as I should be. Anyway, I remember the show, but just bits and pieces. A year or so ago I was working through all of the episodes of The Prisoner, which was also a childhood favorite. These both probably explain why I'm so warped.

Anyway... delaying work, and there's much to do, so back to it I go.

Roberto said...

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

I'm in beautiful Hershey. Driving here was amazing! I took 22 nearly the whole way, since I started in Altoona. Well, Hollidaysburg.

Lots to do before tomorrow, so I'll talk to you later...

Vicki said...

Sandy - I was just thinking about you today and how you are doing so much. God clearly is resting His grace on you and helping you to press on through fatigue, and not feeling well.

He really does give us strength when we need it and new mercies every morning.

Fun day today at the fall festival... I enjoyed the hayride... pretty bumpy... had to be careful to not fall off... good thing I didn't lose a leg... (inside joke... you will have to have Joy McG. tell you that story...)

Off to bed... night all

Roberto said...

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

You know, I love your title. It's not just parenting, but grand parenting isn't for wimps.

Great wedding shower, this past weekend... I have to agree with Vicki that God's really giving you supernatural strength with your long list of new responsibilities.

It's cool and rainy, here in Harrisburg... need to get moving, however. Have a good week, everyone!