Drew and I are in Gettysburg with his aunt and uncle. Right now we are just hanging around in the hotel watching TV. I have been to two auctions and eaten out twice today. Oh, and also visited a little outlet shopping mall. At the outlets I bought two little coordinating outfits; so very cute. They may become Christmas outfits or at least get the boys pictures taken in them. So I guess you could say I spent a little money. Drew did not come with us to the auction this morning and I only spent $10. Now this evening we went together and the bill went up, way up; but Drew bought several things he wanted. I really wanted this nifty little butter dish to match my new dishes that I bought for my new house. Not match really, just go with. http://cgi.ebay.com/Anchor-Hocking-JADE-ITE-Covered-Butter-Dish_W0QQitemZ370095000545QQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
I don't know how to insert a link but the above address will connect you to an eBay sale that will describe a similar dish. And well, we got a bargain. I had left a silent bid while we left for a while to rest. When we got back to the sale I had not won the butter dish. I did spy it under the chair of another buyer. As the evening progressed I could tell he was a dealer by what and how he bought stuff. After bugging Drew fairly shamelessly he did inquire about buying my coveted item. I was told "not to break it as it was in mint condition and it was worth at least a hundred dollars. I almost chocked. But my sweet husband bought the dish, for half the suggested retail price.
I was hoping to use the dish but now I am a bit nervous. The similar dish on sale on eBay is listed much higher than the $100 suggested.
OK, getting tired. We are relaxing and having a good time.
God in His Mercy has richly blessed this grateful daughter.
Hmmm, you spend money on a butter dish, Rob on... fonts.. what's my fix??? Right now I am coveting appliances... I would love to get an extra freezer for the basement to store meat, extra meals (I like to only cook a few days a week and freeze a bunch of meals), I would also like an extra fridge, so maybe just a fridge/freezer combo... I also want another dehumidifier (the dryer the basement... the less bugs I see...), I am getting all new curtains for the basement windows, the bugs are yucky... need to clean the windows and get rid of the spiders. I also want to paint both bathrooms.
Happy shopping Sandy, I think the shopping you are doing is where Kathie and I went a few years ago. Lots of fun stuff to look at... make sure you really wheel and deal, a lot of stuff was marked up really high.
I am getting a new toilet tomorrow. Andy is installing it for me.
Must go to bed... tired.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Wow, that IS a sweet dish! How cool for you, and how blessed you are... God's good to us in stuff like that, huh? I should be so much more grateful for all God does for me... it's pretty amazing!
And, Vicki, I haven't bought any fonts in years. Like, in ten to twelve years. And can you fault me for appreciating the finer things in life? Huh? HUH?
I've been on the road so much I'm all mixed up as far as days and times... my November is getting all crazy, too. Crazy, I tell you!
Oh well, part of that craziness (in more ways than one) includes about ten days in Tucson, with my mother.
Got a bunch of stuff to do... peace out!
I have nearly the entire Grateful Deal album, Terrapin Station, stuck in my head.
Actually, it's been there for more than a week.
And I have the munchies, and tend to giggle a lot. What's going on?
Saturday, 1 November 2008
A friend gave me Al Green's latest CD: Lay It Down. Not bad. I'm not a huge Al Green fan, but it's mellow and soulful.
It's ALMOST got Terrapin Station out of my head.
What's up with everyone else?
Well, I am convinced that I will always be impatient to some degree... I really thought I was growing in this area, but when I got home from dog sitting at my dad's last night I decided to paint my bathroom... at 11 pm. To top it off Andy was going to give me some painting supplies this weekend, probably at church, and I didn't want to wait so I found a paint brush in one of my craft drawers and painted one entire wall with a small paint brush... I know, I'm nuts. Then I painted the outside of the claw foot tub in the basement (it was an ugly slate gray) and also painted a small three drawer stand. Plus I bought curtains for all the basement windows and both bedrooms. (The girl’s room had valances but I wanted sheers on them as well.) I need to steam press all of them. Bought a fire escape ladder, need to install a smoke alarm in the basement, buy two more fire extinguishers, put in the outlet covers and cabinet locks. Then I need to work tonight - and study for a big test Monday.
I only got one wall done in the bathroom. I am hoping a second coat can be done with a larger brush or roller. Plus I have the rest of the bathroom to paint...
I have this bad habit of getting involved in a lot of things at once with a major deadline looming overhead...
Better get my work done... I hope to be in church tomorrow…
Are you back Sandy?
That's not impatient: its manic!
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