Found a dog sitter for Howard, so glad about that, a possible lead on a hotel for Lucy. Got to see my sick friend, should post about that but can't quite do that yet. Was most likely the hightlight of my recent life, except of course for "the wedding". Family crisis was discussed, not solved or anything like that, but discussed is good. I took a shower yesterday, that is two so far this week, if you start the week on Sunday. I even prayed for my family a bit, ok...it was yesterday; but I am making progress. Our God is so very, very good!
And, I am writing something today. When I am tired, lazy, and kinda depressed I tend to not write, but here I am typing away, however briefly.
While I am sure that Jer loved his day(s) off, mine sure made my week longer than ever. With blizzard like conditions expected for Monday into Tuesday, I fear another couple of days to make up in the summer as they have already taken our Easter break from us. Well, I guess we had our Spring Break this past week as we all have joked. Hope your week is getting better. Did you figure out what to do with Lucy? Ben offered to take her but I don't think it was accepted. Not sure though. Will be up tomorrow. Good luck with all those pre-teen children at the party tomorrow. I am sure it will bless Jer even if you will be numb after. Hope you can stop by tomorrow night!! love you
Sorry I missed you Jenny. I have been in Fogville...trying to break out and get some stuff done. Thursday is a'comin
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