It has been decided by group consensuses that seven consecutive days with babies is a few days too many. Not that it can't be done, and it will be done again in the future I am sure. BUT, it can become a bit overwhelming round about day five or six. One starts to wonder if teeth can be brushed every other day and still avoid decay...I mean enamel will just have to suck up and be strong when fatigue waxes and time wanes. Not sure that is a good metaphor, but the drift is obvious. That above mentioned seven days might not be so bad if there was not a holiday thrown in there; like New Year's Eve, you know the one where staying up late is like required. Also, one baby the bigger one, had an ear infection or some childhood affliction that involved fever, fussiness, and fitful sleep. Grandma is tired, but in awe of how our Kind Heavenly Father, heals babies and sustains their feeble caregivers. What a joy it continues to be to have these sweet boys living in my home and burrowed into my heart. How did Bev put it; when she is away from them for too long she starts craving them. Ha, that is a good way to word it. I do miss their laughter and adorable smiles, but for tonight. I am not thinking about what's in the diaper, but how good my bed feels...
I have been thinking about you and how you are doing with the wedding just a few days away and having the boys. Will Bev take them for the wedding, or will you have them? If you need help, feel free to call me. Tomorrow is my big day (home study) but then after that, I can help if you need another pair of hands. Do you want me to take them Friday night? I could keep them overnight and take them to the wedding Saturday if Bev isn't available... let me know, I would be more than happy to help out. Plus I need some more practice dealing with the craziness of little ones. My house is child proof now. (Although I always laugh at the term child-proof... it only takes a few minutes for a child to find something that they shouldn't have... the real test of a house being child-proof is to have a child in the house.)
Let me know, I would be more than happy to jump into diaper duty.
Thanks Vic, but Bev is coming to the wedding and bringing the boys. She has them now and will have them until after the wedding. I am sure you will be able to help hold them sometime on Saturday.
WOW!!! They are married. What a nice wedding... the snow was such a nice touch... I had a great time. Thanks for inviting me.
I am gonna call you sometime this week Sandy to come and get some more beef. Any night better than others? I have Maiya Walls on Thursday.
Are you and Drew going to go to the marriage retreat?
Monday, 19 January 2009
I've decided I like cold weather much more than warm weather, although I prefer warm weather to cold weather in Arizona (lack of humidity).
It's amazing how much things are changing in peoples lives, around here! As CJ has asked, isn't God kind?
Yes, he sure is.
It was very nice of you to have us over for the game last night. Ben was just happy to watch it! Although I secretly think that he was more excited to get out of the house and away from me (every time he turned around I seemed to have a new idea or whatever that involved him using physical labor and being confused!) I really enjoyed Saturday night, even though we all were tired from the move. It was nice to have everyone around and hanging out. I hope we can do it again soon when we have more than a two foot wide aisle amongst the great sea of boxes, bins, bags and newspaper. Give the boys hugs and kisses for me!!
I love when all my family, or part of my family is together. Hope all is well with you. I should try and write something new?
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