Sunday, June 29, 2008
Anger Rising

Friday, June 27, 2008
Friday Nite

Hello dear ones.
Sleepy mama tonight. I want to keep writing, but am way past done tonight. Picked out roofing and siding "for sure" today. Windows are next ASAP. I have to get to Dave right away. I just wanted to check on a picture in one of the many books I have invested in. Summer is going by way to fast.
Today was a stressful day for many reasons; reasons I cannot get into on this public forum. Please just pray for us. So many transitions during this "season" in our family. We all need Jesus real bad...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
On the Road Again...

My new puppy...Howard Howard is an eight week old Labradoodle. Mock away Rob. Drew did. But now he loves him. A Chocolate Lab mom and full size Apricot Poodle dad created a batch of some of the cutest puppies ever. We are having a blast with him. Very smart. Not house broken but deals with his crate and "goes" outside whenever he is taken out, which is often. Drew begged me to let him sleep with us last night. It went OK until morning when he did not get taken outside quite fast enough and peed on the bed. Tonight he is in his crate. We bought him from the family that owns/runs the farm where Mia is. She thinks he could grow up to eighty pounds. Yikes. But that is why I chose him. He is very laid back, almost lazy. Does play but in kind of a clunky, "I'm a big dog kind of way." Hilarious.
I am trying to upload a picture of Hannah riding on Monday. She drove along with me to help drive and to learn and help me remember what was going on with Mia. She also texted Ned a picture of Howard and with his encouragement I was brave enough to bring him home without asking Drew first.
Hannah and Flash

OK. Time for bed. I'm a little sad the last few days. Ned got his apartment in town last week and he finished moving out on Sunday. I miss him terribly. Tonight, instead of making sure the door was unlocked and leaving the porch light on, I locked the door and turned out the light. Sighed a deep sigh and said a mom's prayer. He's in a cute little place and pursuing God diligently. I am blessed.