Growing up cow

OK. I am calmer now than when I sat down. Read through Mel Sherf's blog and then bounced around to a few web sites depicting calamities in Africa and Afghanistan. So now that I am not so focused on myself I can't rant with nearly the same enthusiasm. Nothing like seeing real pain and suffering to take the steam out of ones own self pity. Ha. I guess that's why God says LOOK to the needs of others. Its really too bad I had this really witty line about crying out for an article that Rob gave me on anger...
I am so angry, angry, angry. I just want to sin, sin, sin. Oh Rob, Oh Rob, Oh Rob...if only I had that article you gave me on anger. Where is all that paper when I need it? If I had that article now, I would stuff it in the shredder so fast ink filled smoke would fly.
Now, wouldn't that have been funny? I could have vented in a kind of humorous way. Declaring my anger, relishing it a bit; even confessing it as sin; without really having to recognise it as the self serving treachery it is.
Oh well, I guess God knows best. I saw and was affected by the pain and suffering of others. Now my focus is on them, and on praying for their relief, for God's mercy to fall on them...probably better than me praying for his wrath to fall on my, umm, ahh, on the parties to which my anger was directed. I will have to deal with the issues in a responsible, Godly, loving, kind, forgiving, long suffering manner. Alas, such is my lot.
Praise God for His Mercy in my life.
PS I need a word besides "really" to use for emphasis. Suggestions?
Here I come to your blog to make this great comment/post about postmodernism, and you've selfishly written some post about yourself and your issues.
I probably have all those anger articles around here, somewhere... I remember how shocked I was when Steve Murphy gave them to me. ME? Angry?
The anger I struggle with, still, isn't the "Incredible Hulk" smash and bash anger, it's the much more insidious, hurtful kind that, for the most part, the world says I should feel. People do dumb things, wrong things, things I don't like... I'm, you know, frustrated.
Anger is such an easy sin. Linked to pride. I remember a young Joe Shearer saying that every sin seems to come back to pride and/or lust (the broad interpretation of lust... wanting what isn't ours to have). I really can't disagree.
I read a lot of blogs about people connected with Compassion International, and those, too, give me much-needed perspective on life.
I'm rambling more than usual, I think... keep praying, Sandy.
Oh, I've also found that I don't really need to look to what's happening far away, when there's enough tragedy and pain in the US. In PA. In Armstrong County. In Kittanning. On my street. In my building.
About the use of "really" as a modifier... I do the same thing, and have just tried to remove it and not use anything else. That's part of my pride thing: that whatever happens to me is really, really important. So I'm not really this or that, I'm just plain-old this or that.
Instead of Really...
Truly, absolutely, certainly, totally, utterly, very, extremely, entirely, positively, definitely, completely, thoroughly, wholly, incredibly, lock, stock and barrel, unquestionably, undeniably.
:) Praying...
Ah, yea...thanks for your thoughts. Please do share your thoughts on postmodernism though. Facinating period/theory.
And the emailed articles on anger. REALLY, I am half way through the first one. Really...
Vic. nice job on the really subs.
Monday, 30 June 2008
Hey Sandy,
I found my original copies and made a new set for you. I know how excited you must be! If nothing else, I suppose you could shred them by hand, or, as Joe Ryer's old anger management class would teach you, you could punch your pillow. Heh heh.
I'll give you fresh copies on Sunday... of course, it's crossed my mind that I should re-read them, myself. But that truly, absolutely, certainly, totally, utterly, very, extremely, entirely, positively, definitely, completely, thoroughly, wholly, incredibly, lock, stock and barrel, unquestionably, undeniably makes me angry.
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
I can.
I can believe it's not butter, I mean. I have the stuff in a spray bottle, which is actually pretty handy for popcorn or when grilling a sandwich... but when I'm completely out of butter and try a few sprays in a pan for my omelet, instead of a pat of the real thing... I can definitely believe it's not butter. But scrambled eggs are good, too. Truly, absolutely, certainly, totally, utterly, very, extremely, entirely, positively, definitely, completely, thoroughly, wholly, incredibly, lock, stock and barrel, unquestionably, undeniably good.
(I, uh, like that series of words, Vicki)
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