My new puppy...Howard Howard is an eight week old Labradoodle. Mock away Rob. Drew did. But now he loves him. A Chocolate Lab mom and full size Apricot Poodle dad created a batch of some of the cutest puppies ever. We are having a blast with him. Very smart. Not house broken but deals with his crate and "goes" outside whenever he is taken out, which is often. Drew begged me to let him sleep with us last night. It went OK until morning when he did not get taken outside quite fast enough and peed on the bed. Tonight he is in his crate. We bought him from the family that owns/runs the farm where Mia is. She thinks he could grow up to eighty pounds. Yikes. But that is why I chose him. He is very laid back, almost lazy. Does play but in kind of a clunky, "I'm a big dog kind of way." Hilarious.
I am trying to upload a picture of Hannah riding on Monday. She drove along with me to help drive and to learn and help me remember what was going on with Mia. She also texted Ned a picture of Howard and with his encouragement I was brave enough to bring him home without asking Drew first.
Hannah and Flash

OK. Time for bed. I'm a little sad the last few days. Ned got his apartment in town last week and he finished moving out on Sunday. I miss him terribly. Tonight, instead of making sure the door was unlocked and leaving the porch light on, I locked the door and turned out the light. Sighed a deep sigh and said a mom's prayer. He's in a cute little place and pursuing God diligently. I am blessed.
Wow, that's an incredible amount of information in this update! Good to hear what's going on!
How are your other pets reacting to Howard?
What about updates on everyone else? How are Ben's eyes? What's going on with the grand-kids? Randy?
What's the time-line for the house? What's the final decision regarding your, um, septic system?
Ditto to Robert's questions...
Inquiring minds want to know...
More pics of Howard please...
(And the house)
You know, "Labradoodle" or "LabraPOODLE" both sound very... Seussian. Labradoodle sounds like some product Ronco would hawk: "Now your children can draw perfect dogs and other animals with the amazing Ronco Labradoodle..."
Only you, Sandy.
Work is getting... exciting... again. People being fired, lots of stuff happening, everywhere. And I seem to be doing okay. I'm learning to stand up for myself, a bit, and to more aggressively deal with people... and trying not to be surprised when people lie or otherwise clearly act in a malicious way towards me or others. I'm resented by some as another regional staff person who leaches on their monthly finances, but doesn't directly generate any money. Which... is true. But don't hate me because I'm beautiful, this is just how it works. We're trying to bring more order and accountability and consistency to our foster care sites, and there's a lot of ugliness being exposed to the light.
My company is now the largest human services company in the US, or something. They're expanding their other services (outpatient mental health, BHRS, autism services [VERY hot, right now]) into other states, such as New York, Louisiana, North Carolina, Maryland, Ohio... and it's kind of scary how much money is involved.
I'm still excited by my job, and that's a good thing. I really wanted to increase and broaden my skill set, and this is certainly doing something.
Way too busy the next few days, and then off to Youth Camp for the few days after that... and then it all starts over, driving hither and yon.
Loving the cooler, or at least less humid, weather...
Because I know you guys miss this kind of "What's going through Rob's mind RIGHT THIS SECOND" kind of thing I bring to comments, let me tell you:
That new peppered turkey sandwich at Subway is the bomb. Get it on honey wheat bread with a little mayo and your vegetables, and it's one mind-blowing sandwich.
THANK YOU, Jerrod!
I ate that exact sandwich today for lunch. thanks for sharing that info. It was fantabulous.
The pup is a bit seuss like truely. Rolly polly and a interesting mix of two very different breeds. Not quite as out there as the Sneeches but a bit odd just the same. And not just me two other fools had bought one the same day as me, and for half a G too.
Yo, I didn't steer you wrong on that sandwich, did I? Vicki, you've got to try one! I don't get the double-stacked version --- too much meat. $5 for a foot-long is a good price!
But Lucy... isn't that the name of your other dog? How's she adjusting to Howard?
AND WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE SEPTIC SYSTEM? I need to know if I'm ever going to visit, you know.
Hope you all had a happy father's day. WalMart was crazy last night, and as I was checking out, the clerk said that usually the night before father's day wasn't nearly as crazy as the night before mother's day... most mom's take care of it for the family well in advance, but I pointed out it was mostly men and boys running around, so it's still guys waiting until the last minute to take care of their fathers. Lots of steaks being sold, it seemed. Mmmm... steak...
I had the sandwich before I checked the blog. And it was yummy.
I think I will pass on the sandwich. I am not a big turkey lover. I don't even eat turkey on Thanksgiving much. Sometimes... if a lot of people are going on and on and on about how moist and juicy it is. With gravy, anything tastes good.
I am so excited... I feel like I have a new house... I got rid of EVERYTHING in my house that I don't use on a regular basis. My basement is totally clean. I only have stuff under the steps.
I have so much garbage at the curb... I am hoping and praying the garbage men take it all. I took a huge load to the goodwill. Thought I would need two trips, but amazingly it all fit... SUV's rule... even with the price of gas.
So for the first time ever, my spare bedroom actually looks like a bedroom instead of a storage room.
My kitchen officially looks like a 50's kitchen (except for the appliances.) I have the old 50's table, cabinets, canisters, fan, even radio (replication).
All I need to do is wear pearls when I vacuum in a dress and have a fresh batch of cookies ready to come out of the oven and I could be June Cleaver... minus Ward, Beaver and Wally.
Well, I am putting everything away where it goes and then I will post some pics on my blog. I feel like my house is so much bigger with all the extra stuff gone.
Sandy, moving is very stressful, but such an opportunity to get rid of stuff you don't need or use anymore... it can be very cleansing...
So are you just trying to leave us hanging with the whole septic system thing, or what???
More pics, more pics...
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Well, after a bunch of Aleve's and many hours of sleep, I feel great! Youth Camp takes it out of me, but it's a good exhaustion!
I ate way too many Slim Jims, Combos, and drank too much Code Red Mountain Dew. Good thing it's only once a year. Alan McGaughran was also seen eating nachos and other junk food, which surprised me, but he also acknowledged the "it's once a year..." thing.
Sadly, I need to go, already... a few days on the road, so I'll try to check in again, soon. Hope everyone is doing okay.
Sandra Dee - where did you go? Blog... blog... blog... you need to blog...
I heard that the youth camp skits were really good this year... wish I had been there. I would have loved to see the spider web game too...
Thanks again for all your hard work Rob.
Hope to hear more from you guys soon...
blog Sandy, blog...
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