Jer at Dayton Fair Grounds (local show)
Kaleb at Grandma's or Baby Red Eyes
Hannah at the same local show as Jer

For everything there is a season...
The spring/summer season is passing way to quickly, but for me the evidence of the passing of the seasons of our lives is quite poignant just now. Too many days have passed since I last left an entry on this blog of mine. Writing is such an important part of my life that it seems sad that I leave it go for so long. Yet the minutes of the days just seem to slip through my fingers and tomorrow is here before I am finished with today. My friends are so dear and keeping in touch with them, again, so important to me. The love and bond that God gives to us as Christians is so very precious. No matter what is happening or not...happening knowing that someone else cares, prays, and wants to hear of our triumphs and our trials warms the heart and soothes the ragged soul.
My children are having children. I have one talking about buying a home and getting engaged. Jer is 12 and old enough for Jr. High. Drew and I have been married 22 years. Twenty-two+ years we have been in this same house. I had never lived anywhere else for more than four years. Yes Vic, I so want to purge and simplify my life and home. Just not sure where or how to begin. I have, begun though, but I am falling short of truly going to the bone. And I want to...go to the bone. It will be freeing. I know that.
I have no more recent pics of the house. It looks the same from the front, but I will have to get my camera up to the hill and snap a few of the "back yard." The sun or non-sun porch is framed in and the patio roof is complete. Again I cannot say how blessed I am to have such a fine carpenter as Dave doing my construction. His creative talent and attention to detail is incredible, and I will have a fine home built with hands that love and serve the Lord. What more could anyone ask for.
We WILL have septic of some sort, just not exactly sure where or what it will consist of. So for those who may hesitate to stop by for fear of a path into the woods leading to a small wooded shed, need not worry. Indoor plumbing will be installed.
Ben is well. His eyesight is improved, not restored, but better. Beginning to search for a house, and an engagement ring I believe. Ned is working hard on his internship, still employed in the tech department of the IUP library. He is sharing much of his free time with one of my favorite persons, Hannah Caldwell. Randy continues to try and find his way.
Jer is spending his summer in the barn and on the horses. His riding has improved greatly and is a joy to watch. Allen and Stacey are enjoying their new son and he is growing and gaining weight like a champ. I am very proud of them. We need to find them a house or apartment closer to us so grandma can spend more time with the boys and Gigi. The back yard of my new house is going to be a grand play area. Adventures will abound.
Sleep is pursuing me. God's timing in all things is the right time. In His Wisdom I will rest. A fire by night and a cloud by day will guide me along this life course.
Yeah! You're back! So great to hear all the updates.
How about Howard pics... He is such a cutie... How do he and Lucy get along?
I too am greatly blessed. I love my home, love my job and live a simple, wonderful life.
So glad to have you writing again :)
Thanks for all of the updates.
How 'bout the horsie family any updates there? How's Mia, is Dorey bred? Taylar is coming for a lesson on Flashy on Friday with Christy you and Jer are welcome to come watch the show, I know he's been curious about Flash.
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