The two Lucys
From behind, house on right barn on left

Saturday morning and I should be doing a hundred different things. And yet alas, here I lie in my comfy bed doing almost nothing. Skimming though a few blogs, looking at some accumulated emails. Lucy the Cat is on the bottom of the bed keeping watch. Lucy the dog is at my side, and Howard is on the chair beside my bed. Everyone is to darn comfortable for me to be the one to get up and disturb all this well earned rest. I mean seriously, have you ever thought about all the work house pets have to do? In addition the dogs have a double life as barn dogs, not to be confused with working farm dogs mind you, but still. All that cat chasing, hole digging, horse harassing. My, My; what a life. No wonder they are so whooped!
While up looking over my new home and barn yesterday, I was again but more so, overcome with an incredible awareness of God's kindness and goodness. From the view, to the design of both house and barn; and the proximity of one to the other. No other place on earth will hold such unique charm and peace.
Dave's attention to detail and design is amazing. An amazing craftsman he is. Jay has worked diligently to capture my dream and desire of a barn that will be both functional and charming. With only a few short steps from my back porch can be accessed from the master bedroom, the barn will house some of my dearest friends. No, I am not going all tree hugger on anyone, just that much of my life is invested in these creatures. And now with the grandbabies as a part of my family, the new home will facilitate the interaction of all the aspects and responsibilities of my life with much more ease.
While originally the thought of long term care of these dear wee ones wrapped my heart with fear and yes even resentment; I am now more open to whatever God has in store for us all. I have seen His Grace and Mercy abound where I had no faith. Slowly Kaleb and DrewAllen have become a part of my chaotic life. It is not like chaos is a new development in the Kimmel household. Surprisingly babies are just little people, little people with big needs, and I am not underestimating their drain on my energy and brain matter; but we are slipping into a routine or sorts, that is becoming doable. Mabye that is why I am lounging here resting my mind and spirit, I know that in a few short hourse the chaos returns and again I will be on high alert.
Drew is home, guess lounge time is over. All God's gifts are always Good!
I just loved walking through your house Sandy. I can't wait until it is finished. How peaceful, and beautiful. A little sanctuary. I can't wait to get some pictures all around your property.
Well today I went to my CPR class. I found out I didn't have to stay for the afternoon class with was great. I came home and finished painting my bathroom. It feels great to have that done. I really like it. I chose the color Whistful Beige. It just softens the room up.
Well, gotta get back to work. Then try to get to bed before it is too late. Have a great day all, I won't be in church tomorrow.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
I'm at the office, making copies. I've been working on updates/additions to our policy manual, have burned 25 CD's with the files on them, and am making 30 copies of the changes for the big PowerPoint presentation on Wednesday. Everyone gets a hardcopy as we go through the presentation, and then they're to take the CD back to their individual sites and make copies and update their individual manuals. This office just got a new copier, about two weeks ago, and it's like a dream. It's sorting, collating, inserting color division pages, etceteras.
Also in the office is one of the case managers, her ten year old son, and their puppy, Gotham. He's big and black. He's six months old, and HUGE already. "Only 55 pounds," the case manager says. Only. Yikes. Her son is bright and a smart-aleck, so we get along well. He likes to draw me on the whiteboard, doing or saying stupid stuff. I like to make threatening gestures towards him and hear him "whoop!" and run away. He usually hits himself on a wall, chair, table, or desk. So the good part is he ends up in pain and laughing, and I can't get arrested for abuse.
If I was smart, I would leave for Harrisburg today, instead of at 6AM tomorrow. But I have too much to do at home, including laundry. I have my supplies to do laundry in hotels, but it's expensive, as it's often $2 to wash and $1.50 to dry. And they're small machines.
So many things (many related to the manual updates, referenced above) are coming together and I'm looking forward to crossing a bunch of major things off my list, for work, this week.
I'm so tired... just kind of writing mechanically, here. I'll write more from various hotel rooms over the next few days!
There is the sweet aroma of contentment in this post, of peace that passes understanding...revealing Him. Thanks sis
Since you travel so much Rob do you think you could write off your laundry expenses? If you aren't home a lot, I mean, what do they expect? Just a thought...
I think all the craziness is catching up with me. I hate to declare defeat, but I think I have a cold. I went to bed last night at 7:30pm and slept until 7am. I am still exhausted.
I'm ready to go back to bed...
Well hope you all have a great week... stay in touch.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
This is weird: has anyone else had problems voting, today? It's like a weird dream... no matter where I go, I can't find the polls...
Heh heh.
Meetings are over, I need to head out to join dinner, but wanted to chime in and second what Johanna said. I feel like kind of a heel for using YOUR blog, Sandy, as a place to whine and share my calendar (even if I keep hijacking the blog, I should be so much more grateful and positive), ignoring your wonderful posts.
I'm humbled and blown away by all of you and what you do on a daily basis. I know what I do is important in the scheme of things, but still.
Vicki: can't expense what I can't get a receipt for, and I only NEED to do laundry two or three times a year, so I can afford it. The trick was buying these cool laundry detergent capsules. They're little bags with liquid detergent inside... just toss the bag in and it disintegrates in the water! One or two of those, along with a dryer sheet or two in a small Tupperware thing, and I'm set!
Gotta go. Dinner is at The Coliseum, and it's wing night! Whoo hoo! Good thing I also have a spray & wash stain stick in my suitcase!
Feel better, Vicki; keep rockin' on, Sandy; and thanks for bring the focus back, Johanna!
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
So much for focus.
I had a blast at The Coliseum, except in a frenzy to "re-up" in a game of trivia, against five of my colleagues, I ran my hotel key card through the machine instead of my points card. I was booted out of the trivia game, and zapped my hotel key. I ate a lot of wings, drank about five iced teas, played some skeeball... it was fun. I earned enough tickets to get a handful of super-balls, which were brought to today's meeting, and, yes, were the source of trouble/fun.
With the close of today's meeting, however, I crossed a BUNCH of MAJOR things off my list, and received a lot of good feedback for what I've done (which was nice, but not as nice as not having this stuff hanging over my head anymore!).
Blairsville, tomorrow, and then Washington (PA) on Friday, and I may be done for the month... although maybe Altoona on Monday. I fly out Wednesday the 19th and come back the 29th.
I finished all my adoption paperwork and trainings!
As soon as they get my reference forms back they will schedule my home study and then that is it... I just wait for the call.
I want to do some more painting, clean out a few drawers, and then just twiddle my toes and giggle...
Better get back to work. I was tying op some loose ends this morning with adoption paperwork and haven't started to work yet...
Have I said lately how much I LOVE my job???
Sandy, if you need any help, let me know...
Sandy, I am praying for you today that the Lord will give you strength in caring for Drew Allen and Kaleb. I know this isn't what you planned for your life. You were just starting to get some freedom and now your whole life is turned up-side-down.
I pray you will feel more joy than burden, more hugs and kisses than fatigue and feel the Lord's pleasure as you care for these sweet little gifts from Him.
Don't look at the long term plan and try to figure out what will happen and how you will manage... the Lord has only given you strength for today. He will help you daily. And day by day, you will make it through... the Lord will help you, and so will your friends...
Call if you need me... even just to talk.
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Riddle me this: Why... why, on the days when I'm completely "off" work, and have very little backed up to do, anyway, do I wake up early --- and refreshed --- and get so much done? Meanwhile, on some work days when I even get up and going later, but have a lot on my plate, do I get so little done, and seem to be working in a fog? WHY?
I'm not really complaining, since I am getting a lot done, but still... I guess part of it is my mental state to begin with: the pressure is off, today... no cell phone calls, no e-mails... I don't have some of the day-to-day stressors weighing on me, either... so I can get more done.
I'm now approved to place CareerBuilder ads, and that system is VERY powerful! It's fun, kind of, too. But now I need to schedule a bunch of newspaper ads and classifieds for nine counties... let the good times roll!
this is the word verification below...
everytime I see these I just want to make words out of it...
oat, clue, coat, tore, cure, lure, tear, ear, cut, real, lot, ate, rule, are, art, cart, rut, cut, cruel...
I know in doing this, you will show me up big time Rob... you will probalby whip out a million words I never thought of...
Sandy? I bet you will come up with really good words too...
I understand you guys are busy so if you don't play along... I won't be offended.
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