Geeze Ned your feet are big

Of course I can hold my bottle

AM cute huh?

Howard the Wonder Dog forced to beg for Kibbles

Drew and I went to Lowes this evening and picked out some stuff for the house. Seems there is an never ending list of things we still need. I picked out paint a few weeks back and the painter has been busy primering and adding some color to my walls. If you know me, color has always meant something bold and daring. Not so much this time. Most powerful color we are applying is "Taupe #4." Neutral is a new and daring theme for me. But I think I am going to like it. Tile is down in the main bath and the laundry room-mud room combo. My kitchen cabinets are stacked high in the master bedroom. The kitchen sink was one thing I needed to choose tonight at Lowes. All these seemingly small things are necessary to complete the house. So many times it is so easy for me to deal with, handle, solve the big stuff and ignore the details of life. Details always seem like busy work that someone else should do...for me. Building a house and having babies, two very odd combos have forced me out of my comfort zone, into another universe truly; and now I must micro manage in a way I never would have. God is so good to use such wonderful blessings to bring a new discipline into my life and heart.
Bev and I split the kids tonight, I have baby DrewAllen and she has Kaleb. DrewAllen had his first trip to Lowes, and did very well, better than Jer who became a bit restless and anxious. I know I should have recent pics of the house, maybe tomorrow afternoon I can go up when there are no workers and get some pictures.
Please pray for the babies as they both have had ongoing colds. DA is coughing up a storm tonight, and some other disgusting body fluids that we won't get into. They seem to be passing this virus thing back and forth.
OK, time for sleep. I was going to move the baby into the nursery, but this cough is nasty, I guess I want to make sure he keeps breathing. I know he will, just good to hear the snores between the gagging. Yikes.
Chandelier for the dining room
I watched Silence of the Lambs years ago... messed up movie... but for some reason I enjoyed it... so I was flipping through the channels and saw that Hannibal was on. I had never seen it, and knew it was a little worse that Silence of the Lambs... but for some reason I will never understand... I thought it might be a nice movie to watch while eating dinner... I only got a few bites in and I was ready to, well, get sick. Now I just have to wait until those horrible images are out of my head, my stomach calms down, and then I might be able to finish dinner... what was I thinking?!?
It is taking forever to install the child safety locks on my cabinets. I borrowed a power drill but making sure you line everything up so they match... I feel like I need to be a carpenter... I am not very good at this.
Oh well... so good cuddling your little bundle today Sandy. Hope you guys are doing well... can't wait to see more house pics. Sounds like so much more was done since I was there.
Rob, enjoy the time with your mom. Are you going to do some of the cooking for T-day? Or are you guys going out to eat? Enjoy.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
It's so early. I'm so tired.
But I want those to be mere statements, not complaints, because God has helped me, SO MUCH, over the past two weeks, it's crazy. I'm leaving for Arizona with little on my plate, work-wise, personal-wise, etceteras. Bills paid, snow tires on, I'm ready for December to roll in.
I met a woman in Harrisburg who had my car's twin, and she said, "They run forever, don't they?" and then revealed she had nearly 190,000 on hers, and, like me, has done nothing more than the recommended maintenance. I realized that even if I spent $1000 on a new clutch and brakes, if that got me even another three months, that's still less than I'd pay for a new car payment.
I can't remember anything else... I'm still kind of in a stupor, after my alarm went off at 2:30, following about four hours of sleep.
I'll check in a couple of times while I'm gone. I need to load up and head to the airport.
Just got back from Lancaster today. Quick trip. Went out for work on Wednesday, came home Thursday. Stayed at the Minich's. Sue and I went to see the movie Fireproof (the company paid for the movie AND snacks!) They are so generous. I enjoyed the movie.
I have a hard time driving... I get so tired. Steve was hesitating in even sending me because of this. I had to drive with the windows down going out and coming home... I have a terrible cold now and a sore throat that I can't comfort. I am practically drinking Chloraseptic throat spray, eating Hall's like they are candy (you know I don't feel good if I am sucking on a Hall's), and just bought a bunch of ice cream to help numb my throat.
I am going to try and go to Jerry's funeral tomorrow.
My heart is breaking for James and Emily... and Dave and Gretchen...
So much grief...
Sandy, I am so glad you are FINALLY getting some women in your life. I told Sue Minich about you having two grandsons and she just laughed and said, "she just can't get away from boys, can she!"
I had Tonya's kids last weekend and learned a lot about boys... here are my top three...
1. don't talk to boys while they are peeing... they need to concentrate.
2. if you have boys, make sure you don't share a bathroom with them... there will ALWAYS be pee on the seat.
3. if boys go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, expect that most of the pee will be on the floor, the seat, the walls, anywhere but where it should be.
Well, that sums up my boys 101 class for today... have a great trip Rob.
Sandy... looking forward to pics of the house...
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