Kaleb and DrewAllen are very blessed to be getting two new aunts. They already have four wonderful uncles. Two of which are soon to marry a couple of very beautiful young women. Pictured above are Auntie Jen and Auntie Hannah. Grammy Sandy is also very blessed to have the girls in the family. First, they are GIRLS. Female type people, a new thing in the Kimmel household; secondly, they are a huge help with two very busy little boys. The pictures above do not do justice in portaying all the incredible joy they bring into our very male oriented family. My two tiny male-childs kept me very busy today. In addition, I had two extra babies this evening for a while. Feeding two babies at once and two toddlers on the shift prior can be quite entertaining. Not to mention the damp spagetti noodles ground into my socks. But all in all the evening was exciting and fun. I would not trade the boys or thier two little friends for anything. Lend them out occasionally, yes, but not trade. Again, God's Gifts are always good.
Hope you are staying warm... I am trying to decided whether or not to go to my mom's... it is my sister-in-laws b-day and we are going to Pittsburgh to the Melting Pot for dinner... a special treat... I really want to go, but still feeling kinda crappy...
Hmmm,stay in bed in my jammies in my warm house or go out in the cold, drive an hour to my mom's and then another hour to Pittsburgh to have an incredible dinner... hmmm, these are the hard decisions of my life today.... thank you Lord.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Just a quick shout-out from Tucson. I'm sitting outside a Starbucks, it's about 6:30 here, and it's in the 70's. There's a group of middle and high-school kids sitting next to me, smoking joint after joint after joint. It's... interesting.
Anyway, things are going well and I'm glad to be here. But...
(20 minutes later)
There's now some, uh, tension, between the original group of stoner/punks and the recently arrived group of stoner/skaters. And now little kids are showing up. It's heartwarming to see eight year olds unleash a torrent of FOUL language. Yeah, I think I might be heading home, now.
Actually, I'm headed to Jack In The Box for a Sourdough Ultimate Cheeseburger and "LARGE ONION RINGS!" for my mom and probably something similar for myself.
Hope all is well with everyone!
Hmmm.... breathin' in the second hand smoke there... then you get the munchies and go eat a big meal... I notice you didn't move right away... wonder if you will pass your next company drug test...
just kidding. sounds like you were enjoying people watching.
Enjoy the weather... it is so cold here.
I re-read the last comment... not sure I worded it right...
I meant people watching as in you sitting and watching people...
Sandy - you hanging in there...?
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