Before I was fully recovered from my tumble, the snot, slobber, drool, and other baby body fluids had did their duty to me and infected me with a horrific head chest virus. Yuck! As I am just beginning to feel better I will try quickly to catch up a bit. Of course that must be done in the next few minutes as I turn in to a zombie at ten...four minutes from now.
Yes, the wee one is sitting up alone; not too sturdy, can totter over easily. But, it is so fun to see him burst with joy at his new trick. He was the sickest and is now the wellest. Praise God. Kaleb who also had infected ears is coming along, along too well I suppose, as he can now crawl out of his crib and gently let himself to the floor. Very quiet and very sneaky he is. We are working very hard to convince him that his acrobatic stunt is not in his best intersests for several reasons. Discipline being one and not busting open his face being another.
I wish I could go on, but it is past ten...Oh and Ned graduated from IUP this past Sunday. Yea Ned!
I am nearing ready for Christmas. And my house is only a few short weeks from being move-in ready. So much excitement. Ned's wedding is coming quickly also. I am a blessed woman. My life is full of the Goodness of God, His Joy, His laughter, His Grace, the blessing of family, a growing expanding family. I can truely scarce contain the heavy contentment of my sinful heart.
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