OK...so these are not all the uncles. I should be posting a few from our holiday Thanksgiving Day this Saturday past. As I have not loaded them onto my computer I cannot. So we must be satisfied with some older shots of the uncles. I thought it would make a nice follow up to the "Aunties". The one of Kaleb and Ben is from last summer which makes it very outdated in baby growth days. But it is all I have and very very cute. Ned and Kaleb are reaching new heights, and Jer and Kaleb are "horsing around". Clever and witty are very tired tonight. But I wanted to peck something out in honor of the holiday.
We did have a grand day on Saturday. All the people I love best were here. Now if you were not here do not assume that means I love you less...but geeze it was all my immediate family. Less Allen of course; which was very sad for me. So to make up for his absence I ate a double portion of noodles and gravy, his holiday favorite, twice. Sacrifices a good mom will make.
Truly though it felt strange not to have him there for the family dinner. They had make to them all the year before.
My faith is weak in many areas, but my hope is that recovery and restoration will be achieved by God's Grace, in His time and by His Perfect Will. I cannot fathom in my flesh how that will play out; but I am confident that all this current chaos will and is being used for all our good. We will see Jesus more clearly as my weakness becomes is His increase. I have the highest degree of respect and admiration for Bev, Allen's mom. She has been very brave and is carrying a heavy load. Thanks dear friend for setting such a good example of cheerfulness and sacrifice. I am continually amazed how God has used us all in ways we could never have imagined. For that I am grateful, along with the life I live that so very blessed!
Below you will find a little photo of a little guy with very little on...
Truly though it felt strange not to have him there for the family dinner. They had make to them all the year before.
My faith is weak in many areas, but my hope is that recovery and restoration will be achieved by God's Grace, in His time and by His Perfect Will. I cannot fathom in my flesh how that will play out; but I am confident that all this current chaos will and is being used for all our good. We will see Jesus more clearly as my weakness becomes is His increase. I have the highest degree of respect and admiration for Bev, Allen's mom. She has been very brave and is carrying a heavy load. Thanks dear friend for setting such a good example of cheerfulness and sacrifice. I am continually amazed how God has used us all in ways we could never have imagined. For that I am grateful, along with the life I live that so very blessed!
Below you will find a little photo of a little guy with very little on...

Wednesday, 3 December 2009
Great photos, Sandy! You take good photos, too. I know what you mean about bittersweet times with family... and holidays really seem to accentuate that. But there are some great things happening, and your attitude through all of this is nothing short of inspirational!
I'm back on the road... Meadville yesterday (left around 8:30 PM and drove five hours to...), Harrisburg today, Chambersburg tonight, and Yeagertown tomorrow. I've got a 38 hour book on tape (a Stephen King tome) that helps pass the time, as well as a host of podcasts to listen too when I get bored or freaked out from the book.
Gotta wind this up and get ready for my meeting, here at the mothership... talk to you all later!
Bagit... I am just so easily facinated with the words on the word verification...it doesn't take much.
Monday I was in Greensburg at a sale and then had to get some stuff laminated... I was sitting in the Office Max cutting for about 45 minutes (cheaper to do the work yourself...)half way through my little project I realized that I was so relaxed, without a care in the world... Christmas music was playing in the store and I was just in my own little world sitting in the Office Max cutting away... it was so peaceful... made me realize I am going to do just fine when I get to a nursing home some day and get to have craft day...
I am wrapping my fancy Christmas presents this year. I bought a bunch of square box cubes and am wrapping them so that you can slide the bows off and open the lid and then easily put it all together again so it looks un-wrapped... this way they can use the box again and don't have to do any work. Once I find my camera I will post some pics on my blog. I lost my one remote to the TV several months ago... never did figure out where it went... things just disappear here.
Well better get back to work.
Have a great week everyone... and if you can, take time to sit down and just relax somewhere... and cut something out... crafts are great.
(ps... check out my new favorite blog... http://failblog.org/ )
How ya feeling Sandy... Jere sent me a text that you fell off a horse and went to the ER. I bet you are sore today... hopefully they gave you some happy pills.
Praying you feel good today.
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