The holiday and all its festivities has passed; gifts have been given and received. The giving as always far exceeds the getting in my book. Watching Jen jump up and down over her Kurig coffee maker was the best. Drew bought Ben and Jen, and Ned and Hannah a Kurig coffee maker. Jen was going to put one on her wedding registry. Kaleb and his cars/tractor riding toys was hilarious. Seeing him go from one to the other was a blast.
We are watching a movie that Ned and Hannah bought for Drew and I; "The River Wild". Gotta go the good part is coming up
Oh how precious it must have been to wake up with the two boys on Christmas...
I had a wonderful Christmas with my family. Then I went shopping all day on Friday for a headboard for my bed. Finally found one I liked that was affordable.
I was planning on going home Friday night, but it was raining and I was tired, so I stayed overnight at my mom's. Thank God I did. I woke up around 3 am with the flu. I haven't had it that bad in many, many years. My doctor didn't call me back when I paged him so I called Arwen and begged her to call me in something for the nausea since I was getting sick for 12 hours straight. Thankfully she did and within a short time I was able to get some relief. Most of my childhood I was in the hospital for Christmas or a few days before or after Christmas with the flu. I always wound up getting dehydrated. For some reason the flu is like Kryptonite to me…
I haven’t been that sick since my early 20’s. Every part of my body ached.
I just got home today and have only had popsicles, crackers and water. The good news is that unlike most people, I lost 7 pounds over Christmas. When I walked into my house it was freezing. The furnace was broken. I called Andy the “Greatest Landlord Ever” and he came right over. It took him 2 ½ hours to fix it, but he finally got my furnace working.
I have a full day of work tomorrow… I am so sick of sleeping, it is all I have done for two days, but I need to get to bed…
Thanks for posting. Loved the pics.
Hope you all had a great Christmas.
sorry for the downer post last time... just read it now... good grief.
I am up and working and doing a lot better today. I don't ever want to forget that no matter how bad today might be, tomorrow can be better. what a difference a few days makes.
anyway, hope you are all out and full of cheer...
I'm back from the dead...
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