Saturday, December 05, 2020

homophone Present

 I deleted half of a post for the today's word prompt; present, well yesterdays prompt i guess.

I had meditated on the different meanings of the word PRESENT. I looked them up in the dictionary, examining the history and origin of the word. I started down the path, exploring the different meanings and how each could relate to our lives, and how we live them. I ended up confusing myself.  

Present, a gift we present to another. we are present with them as we give. See, confusing right? I cannot seem to separate the meanings and write about only one. 

Maybe we are each one physiological human, made up of diverse aspects of personality, spirituality, and human frailty. Not much to do with the word present. 

Unless we work at being present in the lives of those we love. Be near. Be aware. Be listening. Walking alongside. Enjoying their presence in our lives. 

Presenting our lives as a living sacrifice to our Jesus. Purposefully making each day His. 

He has given us each gifts. Presents to use in His service and for His glory; blessing others.

Today we are present. Wherever we are we are; present in today. 

So today may we be all the present(s) God has called us to be.


mitzy bricker said...

I agree with you, it is a bit confusing this word present. I enjoyed your thoughts and have to say this is the first time I have participated with this group. :)

Sandy kimmel said...

So good to meet you mitzy. And thank you for your kind words. Hope you stick around. Can’t wait to read what you wrote.

Andrew said...

Many meanings, many words,
some veracious, some are fraud.
May plowshares beat to swords
and still there is one God.
Many deals cut 'neath the table;
what can you afford?
Man has built the Tower of Babel
and still there is one Lord.
Many creeds and many roads,
can't they all be right?
Only one, though, is the load
'twas carried by the Christ.
Much is false and less is true,
but just this Way can lead to You.

Sandy kimmel said...

I love your writing sharp wit and His Holy Spirit.
Hard truths of life. Abounding Grace.