Saturday, April 10, 2021

Five Minute Friday: pressure

 Avoiding self inflicted pressure to do more and be more is a new project of mine. I came to realize that my plate was overflowing, spilling to the floor, sometimes  the more important stuff. More than my plate could hold. All of us have been given different sized plates lest we compare and condemn  ourselves and others. I’m working on  building an escape route from condemnation. Self disappointment.  I want to avoid placing a pressure on myself to do an be more than  I am able or am called to do. I am determined to seek what God would have me accomplish. And next. Breath in. Breath out and relax a bit. 

In this hurry scurry world we live in, the pressure to do more and accomplish much had become a burden. For me anyways. A self adopted burden that is not God’s best for me. For us. Yes, He calls us to do a full day’s work. To serve others. But then he calls us to rest. To reflect. Spend time with Him. Our families. 

 God did not create the whole world in one day. I mean He could of. He’s God. He broke it into six days. Each with its particular assignment. And we know on the seventh he rested. He commands us to do the same. 

God is kind and patient with us. I believe we should do the same. Be kind and patient with ourselves. 

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