Friday, May 28, 2021

Five Minute Friday: Recover


  Every day we are hit with a barrage of stress, some lighter. Some heavier. Stress and life's hard stuff cannot be compared. Comparing anything in our lives to someone else's is never a positive approach to our own life or those around us. Jesus gives us each our own trees to climb and mountains to navigate.

   How we recover each day from all we have walked, swam, or maybe climbed over, is both individual and universal.  I have my challenges and joys and so do you. Whereas God leads on different paths, the recovery, rejuvenation at the end of the day is the same.

  Look to Jesus. Keep our eyes above the troubles in our land. Say that He alone is Good. In Him are the answers to all our trials, the source of all our joys. Seeing how we each travel in our own different strengths and weaknesses; some of us will stumble through, or dance rejoicing, hopefully maybe both. Jesus is our rest and source of restoration, where our recovery happens. 

  We cannot live in this world without being tainted in some way by its ignorance of God. At the end of the day tell Him what was hard. Triumphs you experienced, and your deepest yearnings for tomorrow. 

  Rest. Recover. Remember, He holds the whole world in His hands, as scary as that might seem during these uncertain times.  His world. His hands. Rest easy.

Yes and amen.


Lisa Blair said...

These are wise words, Sandy, "At the end of the day tell Him what was hard. Triumphs you experienced, and your deepest yearnings for tomorrow. Rest. Recover. Remember." Thanks for sharing!
Lisa, FMF #28

Annette said...

we do need to remember that our best recovery is based in the Lord. visiting from FMF32.

Jennifer said...

He is, indeed, the source of all our joy! So glad I do not have to look to this world (or a myriad of other places) for my joy! Real joy....

A great reminder for me this morning!!