Something Old Something New
Welcome, Ms. Housewife. Thanks for joining us in the blogging room. I hope you enjoy your stay. Here at this ranchero we have five sons and seven horses. Of course three of the boys have their own homes, and only two still live at home, The older, soon to be 21; will probably be here only a short time longer. Ahhh, they grow up so very quickly. Ned, he was my first baby, youngest before Jer.
The picture above is from 4H Roundup a year ago. Jer took Poco this year. I have been trying to find good pictures of all the gang, but unfortunately Jer and Poco fill the mose space on my computer. Zulu is the black horse above. She and Cool were are first horses. We had just those two for a year or so before we started getting all crazy about it. Yeesh...We got big quick, good thing we are not into rabbits. Heh. Zulu, the queen of mean, is drop dead gorgeous. A guy driving by on the road 200 yards from the pasture asked Drew about her one day. The truck driver did not know they belonged to Drew, well me, but anyway he knew Drew lived in the area and asked who owned the black mare, he was going to buy her. Drew kind of chuckled and said he did not think she was for sale. The trucker insisted saying he had the money, still not knowing she was our horse. Drew told him he did not think his son would sell him. Ha. Ha. Anyway she is an eye catcher. She is wonderful with people unless you want to ride her when she is not in the mood. She hates all the other horses in our herd, except maybe for Cool, my horse we just lost. And honestly, I think she has been way crankier than usual since Cool's passing, like she is grieving but does not know how. When she has an experienced rider on her she moves like warm oil, an incredible thing to watch.
OK, I have to get some sleep, Drew accepted an invitation to a Christmas party in Pittsburgh tomorrow night, the offer includes a room overlooking the Point. Nice deal I guess, but I am overwhelmed by the physical effort the whole thing will require. I am sure God will uphold me, but the drive, there will be 900 people there, dancing, which we all know I cannot do with out falling over, I have to find horse care for two feedings, and Jer care for overnight. Yikes, better get to bed.
Remember His Goodness and Rejoice in all things.