Geezzz, I feel bad, it took me so long to post, Rob had to comment twice on the same blog entry. I am such a slacker. He He... OK really though, I am bushed, went to Kittanning in the morning and Indiana in the evening; too much running for me. Saw my med nurse this morning to get my happy pills and took Jer to meet with Ben M. for tutoring. While in Kittinning I stopped by Tractor Supply and grabbed a couple of gifts and some horse supplies, daily wormer and a new muck bucket. I wanted to mention the daily wormer just to get a rise out of Rob. Gotta keep him guessing. The new bucket will be a real blessing. The one I have now has broken handles and the sides are cracked a bit, so heaving its contents into the Gator can sometimes me a wee bit messy. But I picked up a few cool gifts and got my nieces finished up. Also purchased a late birthday gift for Sheldon and one for Ben M. Missed both their birthdays by several weeks. Good thing it is the thought that counts. I get lots of credit for good thinking, just not so many points for good doing. So, now I get both, even though I am sure to be docked for tardiness.
Trying to remember if I bought anything for myself. Rarely do I go to TSC without rewarding myself in some way for my hard work and servant's heart. Tongue clearly pushed hard into cheek. I am just weak, and I do give into temptation easily at my favorite store. I think I picked up a magazine, not too big a splurge.
Sorry to hear about your rough day Vic. Too bad Robbo is so insensitive and rubs all his fun in your face. ;( Whoo I am getting tired, the nasties are coming out.
God is good, I am not, thank you Father for sending your Son.
We meet with the builder again on Friday to get his estimate for our new home. I can only pray it is not so high as to send Drew to...some bad place.
Much love to all.
I never knew Tractor Supply was such a fun place to shop. You have heightened my curiosity... I'll have to check it out...
Rob is getting me dung potpourri for Christmas, maybe I could find him something there... (ha ha)
Thank you Sandy for always reminding us of God's faithfulness and what He has done for us. When the days are hard it helps to have my focus where it should be... on the Savior.
Have a great day all...
He always has to have the last word! If you cannot find something for Rob at Tractor Supply perhaps I can find something in my barn that would do...
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