Ain't She Cute
Baby Mia, otherwise known as Princess Mia, 'cause she thinks she is, a princess that is. As the baby prima dona of the barn she loves to make her presence known at all times during all activities, no matter what else is going on. As seen in the above picture she hangs her head out the window of her door nebbing into any and all that happens. Her halter hangs, occasionally, on the blue halter hanger underneath her chin. If you do not pay her the proper attention the halter can be flung out into the hallway, drug over her window frame and into her stall, yes sometimes finding its way into something smelly; she has been witnessed chewing on it and twirling it around like a scarf.
She is affectionate to a fault. Imagine a 700lb baby wanting to climb in your lap. Not quite, but she loves to rub her head on whatever part of me she can reach. Forking manure, feeding, filling her water bucket all mean being inside her stall for a short time or a longer time. She will follow me around chewing on the manure bucket, or the handle of the fork; nibbling on my shoes, or jacket, or hair. Occasionally she will nibble to hard and receive proper chastisement. It is important she learn what is acceptable and what is not. Biting is not. Like Buddy pictured in yesterdays blog, she is a natural smile producer. Her baby like behavior and pretty little face can cheer even the crankiest. Good thing I've got her. She makes me smile and reminds me patience is an act of will that we must practice every day and depend on God to impart His Holy Spirit to empower us. 'Cause like any toddler, or older child she can try my patience. Ha. Nite time and lights out.
I like this "feature": meeting the various members of the "cast" or "crew."
Bach's Brandenburg Concerto Number 3 just played on iTunes. What beautiful music, and how can one listen to it and not believe there's something greater than just us? How can you stand at the edge of the ocean, or even the Grand Canyon, and not think of God?
News of the continued and insane neutralization of Christmas, to the point where Santas are being told not to say "Ho, ho, ho" for fear of offending women (they're to say "Ha, ha, ha," which sounds mean and sarcastic, but is better than "Heh, heh, heh" I suppose) is sad. Even the secularization isn't enough.
Yay, now Delirious is playing. Music: what a gift from God!
The next song was The Gap Band's "You Dropped A Bomb On Me," which, strangely, only sort-of changed my "give glory to God for music" thought.
You dropped a bomb on me, baby
You dropped a bomb on me.
Remember, over the summer, when that video of Philippine prisoners, in red jumpsuits, dancing to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" was making the rounds (and I even saw it on national television)?
Well, those wacky Philippine jailers been busy! And they have a blog.
Of course they do.
Check out the videos!
My day is just getting better and better!
I have wanted a horse since I was 6. I swear when I retire to Hawaii I am getting two!
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