I Finally got this photo to upload. Turns out I was doing it all wrong. Go figure. Just beyond where she is standing is where I fell off and broke my collar bone. The fall happened during a different ride some time later. Ironic, I took the picture with my cell phone the first time she was willing to trail ride up on the hill. We were alone, and she was very brave. Both of us were very proud; it was a monumental moment. It is one of the few good photos I have, and its not the best. Our first real trail ride, my first fall, one of the only pictures I have. Huh!
I cannot believe this! I wrote this funny, well, maybe it was a little funny, comment to you ... joined the BLOGGER ... and they lost it and it didn't post. SO! Now, I am all out of "Funny" :) can you imagine???? and you are stuck with a ticked off comment instead. Sounds like you got the raw end of this deal, huh?
Now, I made myself laugh. HA. Okay, I definitely won't be as well-travelled as some of your other bloggers, and probably not near as funny, but I love to talk - with my mouth or fingers. So, sign me up! :) By the way, blue cheese and steak sounds good together.
Oh, and I loved Cool's eyes too. It is one of my favorite things about her.
See you tomorrow. Hopefullly we won't freeze into popsicles and blow off your windy hill. Course, THAT would be remarkably funny. No. Funny was April getting out of your Lincoln, with all those dogs running up to her and the sheer terror in her face. And then, you telling me to help April so YOU could talk with the owner. ... ANd me, having to walk right (touching) behind her so that Lab puppy wouldn't goose her with its nose. We must have looked gay or something. Now, THAT was funny. And, for those of you who missed that funny moment ... that was this week, in Ohio, with SAndy's long-time best friend, who is absolutely hysterical at a Paso FIno farm.
I told Marie about it today. We were laughing so hard. :) Thanks for a good laugh, April.
Love you Sandy, Janet
Welcome Janet... I followed every word... sounds like a ton of much needed fun.
off for my Sunday afternoon "day of rest..."
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