I know it isn't summer, for sure; but I love this picture. I should have cropped it, but alas, my PC did not come with a photo program loaded. In addition, I only have a few photos transferred from the old one to the new Dell that I am using now. Maybe the mention of PC and Dell will draw Roberto out of the Arizona woodwork. Heh. Heh. Strangely quiet without his clever ramblings. Since I put up the leather couch welcome mat we have all been much quieter, though Janet has been a welcome addition.
I think the photo is to help me remember warm days so I can make the transition to wet winter a little easier. Cool and brisk I like, cold and dry I can dress for. Damp, drizzly, and cold is simply not fun at all. I am persevering though, I have been either in bed or on the couch; but I managed to drag myself into some outerwear and out to the barn to do the evening chores. I do believe the groaning and moaning had my dog Lucy a bit uneasy. At one point she was whining and trying to crawl on my lap while I was running the Gator. I must have just finished bending over or reaching or shoveling something, and was trying to catch my breath. The unpleasant coughing and wheezing had her spooked bad. That may be a bit of a streach but I did scare the dog once, and she did try and climb on my lap.
I am counting heavily on the healing touch of the Lord overnight. I have much to do this week. We are having Thanksgiving dinner here. My kids and there "others" bring our total up to ten or so, that is without my brother of his family. I need to take a break. God's grace to all. He is so very very good.
Hey there ... so you want ramblings .... I think I can ramble on occasionally. Well, perhaps a little more often than that. Remember I told you that taking my mom to a TOYS R US is like letting an addict loose at a heroinfest? Well, when we were coming home from TOYFEST, Mom was telling me about this Thanksgiving hat she saw at (your favorite store) where else but Tractor Supply. The hat has a (stuffed - plush) turket on top of it. Dad said Mom wanted to buy it for James. Buying something like that for James is ... well, a complete waste of money. Mom said James would love it. ??? Dad said (the sense of reason) No he wouldn't. So, they are having this argument, again, in the car with me. So, I say, Well, how much was that turkey hat? $40, they say. MOM! You wouldn't spend $40 on a hat like that!!! And she says, (I kid you not) ... she says, I HOPE NOT!
Yep. and there is my mom when it comes to buying ANYTHING she thinks her grandchildren want or might want or that she THINKS they would want, or not ... I hope I wouldn't spend that much on THAT!
I had to laugh.
Sandy, you wanted rambling ... here is my addition for tonight. Praying for your GOOD health. :) (I know, it is the least I can do. :) Love, J
By the way ... I had a typo ... it is a turkeY sewed on to the top of a hat.... J
Just because you are "hosting" the dinner doesn't mean you have to do all the work... you guys have great food, but Sandy, put the young-ins to work! Lay back with your feet up and talk them though it...
Jer could be a great cook if you talk him though it... " take the gizzards out..., now a little salt and pepper and..."
that last comment was from Vic...
So I am already missing your house and the wonderful view you have... it is a little slice of heaven. What will the view from your new home look like? There probably won't be a pond, but do you have any pictures or an idea of what you would like it to look like?
You Kimmel's know how to love the country and enjoy it at its best!
(feeling any better yet?)
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