I am not missing in action, I am missing in inaction. I am dragging around, wallowing in my own crumbs...What the heck does that mean. Beats me, but I have been lax in my writing, not for lack of stuff to say, 'cause certainly God gives me reason to exude His praise or comment on His creation daily, hourly really. Nope, just laziness I guess. I have had a couple of relatively profound thoughts, a bit presumptious huh? Anyway, a couple, a few thoughts have wandered through my seething grey matter begging to be released into print; but alas, when the time comes to write I am just too darn tired. And the thought provoking ideas have vanished into mylan mush. Ha, Ha, that was funny.
God is so very good though. My chores are all finished for the morning. Even took Zulu for a walk up on the hill. Vet says a fifteen minute walk every day will help the swelling in her leg. Means I have one with a bad knee on stall rest: NO WALKING of any kind and one who needs walked every day to help heal her bad leg. Good thing our Good God allowed there to be Vets to keep it all straight for me. But my morning chores are done, I have dinner in the fridge, my dog is sleeping at my feet, yep on the couch so don't sit on it if you don't want dog cooties. Heh. I had a couple scrambled eggs for breakfast and they came out just how I like them; nice and yellow with not brown cripsy edges or anything. The phone only range four times while I was trying to eat them, so they were almost warm by the time I finished. Now I am down for a nap, early so theoretcially I can get up early and DO something. I am feeling at peace. Except my spell checker is not working today and I know Rob will find all my misspellings...I simply even after forty plus years of trying cannot spell and truthfully at this point I just do not care. Ahhh, that felt good to get off my chest. Now to nap. Jesus really makes me smile. 'Cause He loves me and I sure do not know why....