Sounds like we are all in dire need of some of Sandy's happy pictures. Oh dear, Drew is upstairs, I will have to get back to you. He will want the light off, but I do have a good picture. I am uploading it from my phone right now, will try to get it up asap.
I call this one "Cat in a Bowl"
Wow, uploading from your cell phone! I used to be on top of technology, but then... but now... I never fully got the hang (seriously) of my old cell phone, that basically had no feature other than "call," and now I've got this new phone that has so many features and buttons on it... I've taken photos of whatever's going on outside my driver window, I've made short videos of myself getting angry that the phone doesn't appear to be calling anyone... but if I needed or wanted to take a photo, video, play music, share photos, whatever, it would take me hours to figure it out.
I'm getting ingrained in things. Less flexible, cognitively. Not a good thing.
Short videos of yourself getting angry... sounds interesting... Do you laugh afterwards when you watch them, or do you get even more angry?
Sandy... you are really getting with the times... I wouldn't have a clue how to upload a picture from my phone. Do you need special hardware?
Can't wait to see more pictures.
Robbo, I emailed myself from my cell phone, then uploaded from the computer to the blog. Not so techy really, And, you...less flexible, ingrained in a set pattern, can't imagine. And Vic, would love to see one of those videos don'cha think?
If I could figure out how to e-mail something from my phone, I'd share any further cell phone mishaps.
Man oh man... looking at the next few months, there's a lot on my plate. And while I think about all that, I'm also reminded how there are people without any jobs, and people who are struggling to feed their families, and people being persecuted.
But I guess if we had this perspective all the time, we'd go mad. Or be more humble.
So, what did you upload from your cellphone? No, just kidding. That cat pix is pretty cute. Course, that cat is pretty cute, so you have a good subject to start with. Guess waht???? I can text again. (Ed fixed my phone!!!! Told you he could fix anything that he has a mind to fix.) And, I've been trying to text YOU, but you haven't been answering. So, I must be texting the wrong number. Maybe you could upload your correct cell phone number up to my cell phone so that I could be with the UP times right along with my techie friends. What do you think?
Missing you, J
Okay so this was another crazy past few days where I only checked my e-mail (business and personal) like three times and missed a bunch of cell phone calls and worked through lunch (!!!) and am about ready to pass out from exhaustion because I couldn't sleep well in the hotel because the air was so dry and these construction worker dudes in the rooms around me were getting in late (and inebriated) and getting up at like 4 AM to ask each other, loudly, why these hotel rooms only have like two or three coffee packet things when they KNOW they have three gallon thermos' and I found a new addiction at this store in Meadville but the stuff is from Linesville, PA but anyway it's dehydrated vegetables, and not like those barfy "veggie chips" they sell in stores but honest-to-goodness dehydrated green-beans (delicious!) and zucchini and other vegetables with just a little salt and I ate a whole bunch, along with some dehydrated cantaloupe which, even without added sugar or anything is suh-weet, but anyway I've got a bunch of stuff to do and will be back there next week for a few days and then in Harrisburg for a few more days and then I come back for ONE day and end up back in Harrisburg on Monday, which is crazy, but what's REALLY crazy is that this "strategic planning retreat" that started as four days in a beach house at the Outer Banks is now ONE DAY in Altoona which is hardly what I'd call a retreat, not that anyone asked me, but another thing I've been doing, which may be hard to believe, is cutting down/out caffeine from my diet, which is kind of hard, so now I'm just all like, "Okay, no more caffeine after 3PM" or something, I don't know.
Well, that was a long sentence Robo...
So will you always travel this much or will it slow up after a while....
Lots of travel...
I have had so much energy lately that I find myself tapping my foot endlessly or just running up and down the stairs because I don't know what else to do with myself... these drugs are great! Too bad I still have migraines here and there... maybe they will increase my drugs and I can take on the energizer bunny...
Um, okay, I'm hoping that the travel will go down, in that I won't be spending months at a particular center. Apparently plans for this position include increased quality control and such, and, in the larger picture, over the next few years, increasing the scope a bit more. I'm all for that.
I have to be nice and on my guard most of the day, wearing my nice clothes, and much of the situations I'm dealing with are unpleasant. Not just with kids but with staff that aren't all that... so great.
Again: loads of opportunities for growth. Loads.
All I had to do was ask.
I was late with an on-line payment, with one of my credit cards, over the summer (it was due on the 15th, say, but the pull-down menu for scheduling went as far as the 20th, say, and I assumed, then the due date was the 20th, and thought I was being shrewd by backing up a day or two, and paying on the 18th).
Anyway, my interest rate went up. And up more the next month. And has stayed there. I just scheduled a payment, and wondered when my rate would come down. I called the 800 number, and within about 90 seconds, my rate was HALVED, literally.
The woman on the other end seemed so pleased by my almost gagging "thank you's! that I probably should've pushed for an even lower rate.
But oh well. The point is, all I had to do was ask. Wild.
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