Tonight as I was closing up the barn after doing the chores, which today for some reason seemed more pleasant than usual, I had to turn back after turning out the lights and get my sweatshirt. I had tossed it somewhere and forgotten to grab it before heading out. It was dark out hence it was dark in the barn. I knew the general area where the wayward hood had been pitched but was not sure exactly where it lay. It was interesting because the overhead lights for the barn are not right near the door I use to come in and out of the barn. So once the lights are out I have to walk half way up the center aisle to turn them back on. The light from the bathroom, that is not really a bathroom, will shed some light into the hallway but not enough to find a lost sweatshirt. The moonlight peeks through the cracks in the walls, doors and thorough the rafters in the roof, again enough to light the way for basic stumbling around.
Standing in the shadows with soft worship music playing and horses munching their evening hay, a sweet peace invades my soul. I have just enough light to see my way in, and out. To find my shirt I flick on the overhead florescent lighting. I grab my lost garment, turn off the lights, and find my way back to the door.
It occurred to me how when I am feeling lost, or am in a difficult place for whatever reason God always provide enough of whatever is needed to make it through the darkness. Sometimes to my dismay, just enough, not more or less than is needed. In my impatiences I want the whole picture. I want the lights blazing and the whole barn lit up. All I really need is to get out of danger or get into a safe place. I feel like this thought is a bit ambiguous, but the notion seemed strong earlier. Just that sometimes we/I need to be content with just a lit up pathway, not a vision of the whole journey, destination, or future adventure. God only promises Grace for today. And His Grace is always enough.
Beautiful thoughts to go with a beautiful picture. I agree, I can grow impatient with the dimly lit lights that just light the path a few feet in front of me and long for the whole path and destination to be revealed. I have to trust in the Lord for where the path leads and know that wherever it leads will be the very best. Thanks for writing Sandy... a good reminder.
Well said...
call me, we'll sort :)
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
I have the entire week to work from my home office, which has been GREAT. I have to be places, a few days, but am home by five or six... it's weird, to be spending time back at home, again!
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Your serious posts are great, Sandy! Yesterday I listened to part one of Mark's two-part message about learning to pray from the master... he gave it on 1/13, I guess. Anyway, I was blown away by parts of it!
(If you missed it, you can download it from the church's website, or get a copy at church.)
I have a slew of e-mails and voicemails to respond to, so I'll catch you later. Keep writing, Sandy!
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