OK, now which of my fine friends is going to remind me that I did not mention once in my last several posts how Good our God is?! Wow, I am so slipping. Whine, whine; one of my pet peeves is whining. 'Just got done adjusting Jer on whining, and reading back over the last one, boy was I a whiner. God's mercy floods me daily and daily I whine about the mundane and immaterial. We/I walk in the Grace of God with every step I take, with every breath I breath, I should be talking, preaching, singing about His Mercy with every ounce of being. Are breath and breath spelled the same? My spell checker is not working, I want to get this right.
John Shilling is doing well. Resting, really resting as they have him fairly heavily sedated. Janet called me this evening and reported that all had gone well. The surgery itself lasted several hours but the procedure to fix the narrowed aorta should last only fifteen to twenty minutes. Janet thought she overheard a doctor say that John's took twenty-nine mintues to repair. Beause of the increased risk of puttiing him on a heart/lung machine they clamp the artery while they work on it. The surgon then must work as quickly as possible because the clamping cuts off the circulation to the lower extremities. Not good if this goes on too long. Janet says in the ICU they kept checking his feet and legs with both responding well. Her and her family were on there way back into the hospital after eating dinner when she called. I guess they were to spend a few more hours with him and then try and rest for a few hours. John will remain sedated utill sometime tomorrow. He is in a cardiac IUC one of four patients, and while they are aloud to stay with him as long as they like, because he reamains unconcious they are going to try and go back to the hotel for a few hours. Janet says if she can't stand it, she'll make Ed take her back to the hospital. I had to laugh the way she said it.
She is tired but walking in that Grace, incredible Grace. She is an example to me of a woman who trusts her God. Thought there was much anxiety to be had, she still remains steadfast in her confidence that God is near and holds fast to her little boy, and to her mother's heart.
Thanks so much for praying. We should remember as the next few days pass to continue to hold them up as the hospital can be a wearying place. Though no discharge date was given as of yet I believe they are hoping for early next week. Praise God. Also James and Lily are staying with Dave and Jer, doing well except for evenings when Lily cries for her mamma a bit. James is an excellent big brother so I know he will be a big help.
Praying for John. I remember when my dad had open heart surgery. Those were long days. Living at the hospital is difficult. I can't imagine having a child in the ICU.
Well, I pray you are all getting better. My mom will be in church Sunday. She is visiting for the weekend. We are going to watch movies, take pictures and just hang out and have fun.
Have a good week... I might not comment much... vacation starts
Thanks for the update, sounds like things went well. We'll be praying for all of them. Let us know how things go. Off to bed...it's late, errands tomorrow and Sara's baby-sitting class at church. Say hi to your family from our bunch!
Yes, God is incredibly good to all of us, isn't He?
I can't say anything that would top your post, Sandy. And thank you for your humility and honesty. It's a great model for us!
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