Sunday, March 07, 2021

Five Mnute Friday link up: Green

 Green huh? 

Oh, that one runs deep into my soul. For so long it was my favorite color. My clothes were green. Everything in my closet matched everything else. It made life simple. I even remember one of my boy children, the only kind I had, asking me once, "Why don't you ever wear anything  but green? Or Brown?" I mean what goes better with green than brown? Right? That was my thought anyway. 

Even the curtains and rugs in my house were green, varying shades at least; and stuff that went with green. Like brown. My thinking then anyway.  I could laugh out loud at myself thinking back. 

We built a new house twelve years ago. Almost to the day today when we moved in. My builder would only use white paint. White paint? I was taken aback. He was a bit of an artist. Creative. But house walls were supposed to be white. I pleaded with his wife, our families are friends. Finally, I got taupe. Five different shades. Admittedly, taupe is restful. Peaceful. Calm. I liked it. 

But what about the green? Slowly I began to adapt to the taupe. But guess what goes with taupe? Yep, you guessed it. Brown. So now I had a peaceful taupe and boring brown. It stayed that way for eleven years.  In that time tho, I found my clothing tastes begin to change. Now I have blue. No seriously, I went from green to blue. Big jump. A whole new clothing world opened up before me. Now I still will not wear pink. Or purple. Or certain reds or for heavens sake not royal blue. 

But my world has expanded. I have a navy-ish sun room. I am I'm the process of converting my living room, dining room to teals and rusty gold. its incredible what a little color can do. 

So what is the point of all this ramble. 

I guess, 

DO NOT be afraid of the new things God is putting before you. Change is weird. For me anyways. I like the old and comfortable. Behold I am doing a NEW thing in your life. Whatever that is for you. Say, yes and Amen...



Lee Ann L. said...

Change isn't easy. I myself prefer jeans and t-shirts. It's hard for me to wear much of anything else such as a nice blouse. I love hearing your story. Thank you for sharing.

~ Your FMF neighbor.

Jennifer said...

I, too, loved your "ramble":) So interesting to look back...and notice the changes through the years. They are there, for sure. Funny how we can see them so often in our homes and home decor!

Sandy kimmel said...

Thank you. Love my jeans and tee shirts. Except when I have to go out that’s my go to. Only difference is, not all the tees are green. Lol God bless you

Sandy kimmel said...

Yes. My walls are still shades of taupe, but I’m stepping into color in the pillow drapes area. God bless you.