My Husband believes the solution to all minor injuries in Iodine. I do not remember being covered with the ugly red blotches, but do remember the dread. The crying. Begging my mom to stay away from my already painful injuries, with that wicked red liquid. I was never successful. She did also treat my wound with kind words, gently blowing away the sting.
Now as I age I've become a bit more holistic in my wound treating and general household cleaners, food, lifestyle. In my home I have my husband two young teens we are raising. Iodine is always his first choice. I have salves, oils, some CBD creams, and sprays. While the boys will reach both ways to seek home first aid. DrewAllen, bites his lip or the inside of his mouth, he runs to the bathroom and paints his sore with iodine. If he gets a cut he wants the CBD cream. Deep Blue for muscle aches, (which doubles as husband repellent) he hates the smell. Kaleb, is coming along, he not longer calls my stash witchcraft, and depending on the pain will come over to my dark side, as he describes them
Different injuries require different remedies. Some surgery. Some a kiss and a band-aide.
Today's world is filled with broken people. Broken Marriages. Loss of faith and friendships. Great divides. Fear. Worst of all hatred.
No matter the wound or the loss, the remedy is still the same.
The cross is where we find eternal salvation and communion with the Father. Jesus also brings holy remedies, first aid to our fleshly hurts and open wounds. Whether it is the sting of Iodine, healing salve, or a kiss and a band-aid. His presence in our lives today is more than enough to get us to tomorrow.
And His red stains paid for it all.
Yes! Only Jesus is our true remedy. Thank you for sharing!
Bless you. Thanks for reading.
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