Today we lost another baby calf. The mama gave birth to her in a sloppy gully where the water runs off the hill. Calves come out front hooves and nose first. She landed in the mud and drowned. All this death seems so senseless. This was a veteran mother she just picked a really lousy birthing room. Jer found her and she was still warm. A few moments earlier and we may have saved her.
Still, I know God is in control. We walk confident in His Grace and Mercy. Because He promises, I know He will redeem our losses and bind up our grieving hearts. Even though we have challenging trials, we continue to work hard with our living animals. Kia Sunrise is struggling and Drew gave her a couple shots and some stomach medicine. She seemed better already. We sent out to the feedlot the two mothers we had with our little orphan Annie, or 1A as she is now tagged. The cow who lost her baby this morning is the new adopted mother. The other two; 6 & 7(Cheeseburger) were already marked as meat, so we are hoping #1, who we plan on keeping, will take on this poor foster calf. Its an arithmetic thing.
OK, must get some sleep.
Jesus Reigns Supreme
Beautiful, precious children!
God is so sweet to temper our suffering with joy (like smiling kid faces!) So sorry for the loss of the calves, don't understand the whys, but know that he knew them:
Luke12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them (nor one calf-mine) is forgotten before God.7 Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Love you~
Man, this blog has become so dramatic!
Like Vicki said, I'm glad you're sharing this stuff. It's probably helpful to you, and I know it's helpful to me. It's just so intense! I've had so few losses in my life, the idea of dealing with death, in a big way, on a daily basis (at least for a season) makes me feel exhausted.
Which is another good thing: your constantly bringing it back to Jesus is such a great example!
I know that from having pets that when something happens to them, it takes something from us.
Earlier this fall, I had lost 3 birds within as many weeks. It took a lot out of me. I didn't want to show that it affected me, but a few days later, I broke down uncontrollably.
I will pray for comfort and protection of your animals.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Update on my recent cellphone snafu: I've yet to add any contacts back in (I'm a lazy, lazy man), but remembered reading about a program BitPIM, that allows you to download the contents of your phone, modify it, upload, etceteras. So I can take a snippet of any song and make it a ring-tone, for example.
Or I can type in my contacts, and then upload them to my phone. Good grief, that saved me a LOT of time!
This is just another one of the many, many seemingly inconsequential ways God takes care of me. God really is in the details, in the small stuff. It's not always huge things, but daily, small, mercies.
Thanks all for your encouraging words. Yes, it is good to write it all out, but I am confident of my Savoiurs care. In my writing I want to develope the ability to be concise and intersting, oh I don't know even "pithy" sometimes.
And Rob,
thanks for keeping things going when I get busy or too tired to write. Congrats on the technical are becoming a little like your long time "friend" Dilburt. Sure makes for good stories. :)
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